Bachelor of Chinese Medicine(full-time)
The Bachelor of Chinese Medicine (BChinMed) programme aims at nurturing excellent Chinese Medicine professionals by equipping them with theoretical knowledge in Chinese Medicine, biomedical sciences and required practical skills, as well as developing students' innovation capabilities. They are expected to provide excellent Chinese Medicine healthcare service to the community and to meet the needs of the development of Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong.
The Bachelor of Chinese Medicine programme provides systematic and professional training to students, preparing them to become Chinese Medicine Practitioners. The curriculum is designed in accordance with the requirements of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong. Graduates of the degree of Bachelor of Chinese Medicine will be eligible for applying for the Chinese Medicine Practitioners Licensing Examination in Hong Kong.
Focus on Chinese Medicine teaching supplemented with biomedical sciences knowledge
The programme provides students with comprehensive and systematic Chinese Medicine and biomedical sciences courses, which are taught by teachers from the School of Chinese Medicine and other academic departments of the HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine.
Frequent and early clinical training
The programme aims at providing early clinical training to students. Clinical attachments require students to undertake clinical observation under the supervision of teachers at the 8 Chinese Medicine Clinical Centres for Teaching and Research which are directly under or affiliated to the School of Chinese Medicine. Students are also required to write up medical case reports for their studies. In Year 4, students will undergo a 4-week junior clerkship at the HKU-SZ Hospital to integrate and practice what they have learnt in junior years. Moreover, they will be required to undertake a continuous 40-week clinical clerkship in their sixth year of studies to be arranged by the School in the affiliated teaching hospitals of first-tier TCM Universities in Mainland China.
Comprehensive clinical skills training
Under the supervision of experienced teaching staff and with the provision of excellent facilities in Clinical Skills Training Centre and various departments of the HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, students will have the opportunity to be exposed to experiential learning in clinical skills training.
Broadening students' horizons beyond professional study
Students are required to take Common Core Curriculum courses during their first and second years of study. These courses help students develop broader perspective and build up critical thinking on issues that they encounter in their everyday lives. In addition, a wide range of disciplinary elective courses of advanced topics in Chinese Medicine are offered to BChinMed students.
Arousing students' interests in scientific research
Students are given the opportunity to undertake laboratory experiments in several Chinese Medicine and Biomedical Sciences courses. The School has also set up different research interest groups for students to participate during their studies.
Tri-lingual teaching medium
English is the medium of instruction for most of the common core curriculum courses and all biomedical sciences courses. Putonghua and Cantonese will be used in Chinese Medicine courses, field trip, Chinese Medicine dispensary practicum, clinical attachments, junior clerkship and clinical clerkship, etc.
An outcome-based approach to students' learning and multi-disciplinary teaching approaches, such as problem-based learning and clinical case discussion, are adopted in the BChinMed programme.
The programme emphasises the integration of theories and practical skills. Experiential learning is encouraged through the participation in clinical attachment, junior clerkship and clinical clerkship in which students will have the opportunities to apply the knowledge acquired in practical settings.
Through the Chinese Medicine Undergraduate Student Exchange Programme, the School encourages BChinMed students to participate in student exchange programmes during their course of study, with a view to widening their horizons and enriching their learning experience. Successful applicants will have the opportunity to study in Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine for one summer semester.
Students will also be arranged to participate in a field trip which they can learn more about the indigenous traditional Chinese Medicine herbs in the natural environment in Mainland China. The Chinese Medicine dispensary practicum will, on the other hand, allow them to obtain practical experience at Chinese Medicine dispensary.
Graduates of the BChinMed programme are eligible for applying for the Chinese Medicine Practitioners Licensing Examination in Hong Kong. Those who have passed the Chinese Medicine Practitioners Licensing Examination are qualified for registration as registered Chinese Medicine practitioners with the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong. Registered Chinese Medicine practitioners can seek employment in Chinese Medicine clinics in both public and private sectors or to engage in private practice. They are also qualified to take up research and development posts in Chinese Medicine pharmaceutical trading and manufacturing companies, and biotechnology companies, or to work in managerial, marketing, sales, insurance or advertising positions in Chinese Medicine related businesses. Some may opt to pursue postgraduate studies or become academics in tertiary institutes.
The BChinMed curriculum is a 6-year programme, including the clinical clerkship on the Mainland during the sixth year. The curriculum covers
- Chinese Medicine Foundation Courses
- Chinese Medicine Classical Texts Courses
- Chinese Medicine Clinical Courses
- Biomedical Sciences Courses (including western medicine bedside training)
- Disciplinary Elective Courses
- Field Trip and Chinese Medicine Dispensary Practicum
- Chinese Medicine Clinical Attachments, junior clerkship and Clinical Clerkship
- Common Core Curriculum Courses
- Language Enhancement Courses
In recognition of outstanding academic achievements and talents of both freshers and current students, HKUSCM offers numerous scholarships every year.
* Subject to change as determined by the School’s Management & Development Committee.
In alphabetical order
Selection Criteria | ︰ | BChinMed Year 6 students who are undertaking final year Clinical Clerkship in Mainland China |
Scholarship Value | ︰ | HK$4,000 each |
Sponsor: | The Starr Foundation of U.S.A. |
Selection Criteria: | This scholarship will be awarded annually to FIVE BChinMed students on the basis of academic merit. |
Scholarship Value*: | HK$10,000 each |
Selection Criteria | ︰ | This scholarship will be awarded annually to ONE final year BChinMed student on the basis of the academic distinction in the courses of “Foundation of Acupuncture”, “Therapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion” and “Chinese Internal Medicine” in the curriculum. |
Scholarship Value | ︰ | HK$5,000 each |
Selection Criteria | ︰ | This scholarship will be awarded annually to ONE final year BChinMed student on the basis of the academic distinction of the biomedical sciences courses in the curriculum. |
Scholarship Value | ︰ | HK$5,000 each |
Selection Criteria | ︰ | This scholarship will be awarded annually to FOUR BChinMed students from Year 2 to Year 5 on the basis of academic distinction of Chinese Medicine courses in the respective year of curriculum. |
Scholarship Value | ︰ | HK$5,000 each |
Selection Criteria | ︰ | This scholarship will be awarded annually to EIGHT year-one BChinMed students admitted through JUPAS, on the basis of their academic merits. The Top-ranked awardee each year will be able to renew his/her scholarship for the normative periods of study, subject to satisfactory academic performance being maintained and funds available. |
Scholarship Value | ︰ | HK$10,000 to $42,100 each |
Sponsor: | The Family of Pong Ding Yuen |
Selection Criteria: | This scholarship will be awarded annually to TWO BChinMed students on the basis of academic merit. |
Scholarship Value: | HK$10,000 each |
Sponsor: | PuraPharm Group. |
Selection Criteria: | This scholarship will be awarded annually to SIX BChinMed students from Year 1 to Year 6 on the basis of academic merit. |
Scholarship Value*: | HK$42,000 in total |
Selection Criteria: | This scholarship will be awarded annually to 1 BChinMed Year 5 student on the basis of academic merit. |
Scholarship Value*: | HK$10,000 |
Exchange Programme
The School has developed undergraduate student exchange programme with the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SHUTCM) since the academic year of 2008/09.
- Improve communication and language skills
- Enhance the development of students in Chinese culture and social appreciation
- Enrich student's life experience in learning Chinese Medicine in Mainland China
- Build up network with fellow Chinese Medicine students in the Mainland
- Enhance the all-round development and competence of students
- Successful applicants will study in the Bachelor of Chinese Medicine Programme in the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine for the summer semester;
- The exchange period is normally arranged from June to July;
- Credit transfer will be granted in accordance with HKU regulations;
- The SHUTCM will offer help to students in adapting to the university life during the exchange period;
- During the exchange period, students are only required to pay tuition fees to HKU, while cost of travelling, accommodation, meals, books, insurance and medical expenses will be borne by the students;
- SHUTCM will arrange university accommodation for exchange students during the exchange period; and
- Exchange students should comply with the local laws and the regulations of SHUTCM.
- All year 3 BChinMed students are eligible to apply
- Have outstanding academic performance
- Proficient in written Chinese and verbal communication in Putonghua
- Have outgoing personality
- Demonstrate leadership and have outstanding performance in extra-curricular activities and/or community service
Programme Leaflet
Please click hereEnquiry
- (852) 3917 6437
The University of Rostock: Summer Exchange Programme 2024 - Treating Cancer with Western and Chinese Medicine, GERMANY
Yuen Oi Sin (BChinMed, Year 4)
The German exchange was an unforgettable journey showcasing the stark differences in healthcare and culture. Palliative care underscores the value of life and the ethical responsibilities of medical practitioners and insights from local professors on acupuncture were inspiring. The German team adopted the genuine “patient-first approach” under which they continually developed new medical techniques and embraced a broad perspective, incorporating traditional Chinese medicine as to broaden the treatment options. This journey has enriched my knowledge and experiences, facilitating a deep reflection on the true meaning and feasibility of integrating Chinese and Western medicine.
周業勤(BChinMed, Year 3)
李韻婷 (BChinMed, Year 3)
上海中醫藥大學: 中醫本科交換生計劃2018
家祥(BChinMed, Year 3)
上海交流一行中,最難忘的定必為被安排到曙光醫院肝病科見習的兩週。在醫院見習之前, 我一直以為是跟香港的同學一樣, 在門診裏抄抄方看看老師收集四診資料的過程. 但是事實並不是與我想像般。每天八點開始, 我們便跟隨著主診醫生前往不同的病床查房. 向病人查問着最新的情況, 以及觀察着他們病情的變化. 由於在我們肝病科留院的病人大部份為肝硬化末期病人, 因此入院的時候有些病人面色神態尚可, 但過兩三天留院觀眾後病情已經急轉直下。在病房見習期間, 我們目睹兩位病人的離去. 雖然說作為醫療人員要經常面對着生離死別, 不過當自己第一次感受到死亡離自己那麼近的時候, 心情難免有點起伏和久久不能釋懷。醫療科技日新月異, 比起數十年前的已經進步不少. 但在疾病面前, 人類的技術總是相當渺小,再先進的科技與高明的醫術永遠不能根治到世界上所有的疾病和病患,有時候從醫者, 醫術固之然重要, 但如何學會治心亦相同重要. 患上疾病時身體所承擔的痛楚可以由心靈治療來緩解, 而良好的溝通技巧就是治心靈的良藥. 在病房離開的兩位危急病人, 她們臨終時身體雖然承受着很大的痛苦, 但我們的主管醫生定期前往病床前安慰着. 雖然這不能將病情逆轉, 但至少她們與其家屬面對離世時心裏好過一點,該此交流一行, 最大裨益相信莫過於此—治心者的學問。
台灣中國醫藥大學: 香港中醫院校中醫專科實習交流團2018
立利(BChinMed, Year 5)