Seminar Series on Translational Chinese Medicine (only Chinese version available)


1. (18:00-19:00) 
The Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treating Depression and Scientific Research on the Treatment of Depression with Banxia Houpu Decoction

講者︰趙佳博士 香港大學中醫藥學院研究助理教授
Dr Jia ZHAO, Research Assistant Professor, School of Chinese Medicine, HKU


 2. (19:00-20:00)
題目:讀經典,做臨床 — 用經方實踐驗證中醫經典理論之分享
Studying Classics, Clinical Practice - Sharing the Validation of Classical Theories in Chinese Medicine through Classical Prescription

講者︰石 軍醫師 香港大學中醫藥學院高級講師
Mr Jun SHI, Senior Lecturer, School of Chinese Medicine, HKU

形式︰Zoom Webinar (將於講座開始前電郵講座連結資訊予參加者)
香港註冊中醫進修學分︰2 CME 學分 (CME-PP0012-SEM2419)*
