Seminar Series on Translational Chinese Medicine (only Chinese version available)
1. (18:00-19:00)
題目: 乳病從肝—乳癌中醫防治智慧
Breast disease from the liver dysfunction—Wisdom of TCM prevention and treatment of breast cancer
講者: 陳建萍博士 香港大學中醫藥學院首席講師
Dr Jian Ping CHEN, Principal Lecturer, School of Chinese Medicine, HKU
2. (19:00-20:00)
題目: 邵經明學術思想精髓:三穴五針一火罐的臨床應用
The pith of Shao Jingming’s academic thoughts: Clinical application of three acupoints, five needles and one heated cup
講者: 孫曙霞醫師 香港大學中醫藥學院高級中醫顧問
Ms Shu Xia SUN, Senior Consultant in Chinese Medicine, School of Chinese Medicine, HKU
語言: 普通話
形式: Zoom Webinar (將於講座開始前電郵講座連結資訊予參加者)
香港註冊中醫進修學分: 2 CME 學分 (CME-PP0012-SEM2403)*