International Summit Forum on Developing Integrative Strategies for Stroke Treatment
“International Summit Forum on Developing Integrative Strategies for Stroke Treatment” was held on November 6, 2022 successfully. Over 500 online and onsite participants, experts and professionals to discuss on strategies in discovering and developing Integrative approaches for stroke. The forum also provided a platform for crossdisciplinary dialogues among professionals in academic, industrial and clinical sectors.
Opening Ceremony

Welcoming Remarks given by Professor Chak Sing Lau, Dean of LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

Speech given by Professor Yibin Feng, Director, School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Honorary Chairman of Organizing Committee

Speech given by Ms Mandy Lin, Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer, Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Co. Ltd.

Speech given by Professor Jiangang Shen, Professor, School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Chairman of Organizing Committee
Session 1: Frontiers in Stroke: Theory and Practice in North America

Professor Hongshuo Sun, University of Toronto

Professor Zhongping Feng, University of Toronto

Moderator︰Professor Yibin Feng, Professor and Director, School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
Session 2: Integrated TCM and Western Medicine for Stroke Treatment

Professor Jiangang Shen, The University of Hong Kong

Professor Jingyan Han, Peking University

Moderator︰Professor Aiping Lyu, Professor and Dean, School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University
Session 3: Frontiers in Stroke: Theory and Practice in Mainland China

Professor Ying Peng, Sun Yat-sen University

Professor Li Gao, Capital Medical University

Moderator: Professor Zhixiu Lin, President, Hong Kong Association for Integration of Chinese-Western Medicine;
Professor and Director, School of Chinese Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Session 4: Frontiers in Stroke: Theory and Practice in Hong Kong SAR and Macau, China

Professor Raymond Tak Fai Cheung, The University of Hong Kong

Professor Wenhua Zheng, University of Macau

Moderator: Dr. Edwin Chau Leung Yu, Honorary President, Hong Kong Association for Integration of Chinese-Western Medicine
Session 5: Stroke Translational Medicine: A Bridge for University-Enterprise Cooperation

Professor Jiangang Shen, Professor and DRPC Chairman, School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
Dr. Alexander Yuk Lun Lau, Clinical Associate Professor (Honorary), Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK
Professor Raymond Tak Fai Cheung, Clinical Professor, Division of Neurology at Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
Ms. Wei Wu, Deputy General Manager of Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Company Limited