Public Events by the School of Chinese Medicine in 2021 HKSciFest
The followings are the programme by the School in 2021 HKSciFest (26 Mar – 11 Apr, 2021)
1. Herb-drug Interactions in Daily Life (Pre-recorded Seminar)
Speaker: Dr. Lin Xiang (Assistant Professor, School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong)
Language: Putonghua
Programme Description:
According to statistics from the World Health Organisation (WHO), about 70% of the world's population currently uses medicinal herbs as complementary or alternative medicine. In Hong Kong, citizens' daily diet also contains a varitey of herbal medicines. However, most physicians and patients are not familiar with the herb-drug interactions. This lecture will briefly introduce the concept and the mechanism underlying the herb-drug interactions, followed by daily examples of the interaction of commonly used medicinal herbs [such as Danshen (Salvia Miltiorrhiza) and Chuanxiong (Ligusticum)] with western medicine.
Link to the seminar:
2. Wisdoms of Health Preservation in Chinese Medicine (Pre-recorded Seminar)
Speaker: Dr. Chen Hai Yong (Assistant Professor, School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong)
Language: Putonghua
Programme Description:
With the improvement of living standards, the public is increasingly concerned about health. There are many simple health care methods in Traditional Chinese Medicine that are worth learning. This online lecture will briefly introduce the traditional wisdom of disease prevention in Chinese Medicine, and highlight how we could maintain and preserve health through our living habits, diet and mood in daily life.
Link to the seminar:
3. Learn to Identify Common Chinese Medicine Herbs (Interactive Information)
Language: Chinese
Programme Description:
Want to know how to identify Chinese Medicine herbs by just looking at them and understand their chemical and medical properties? This interactive game showcases several pairs of common Chinese Medicine herbs that are similar in appearances and easy to confuse, but have different chemical properties and medical uses. By introducing the characteristics, chemical composition and medicinal value of each herb, and playing the matching game of the Chinese Medicine herbs in the question and answer session, participants will not only learn to identify common Chinese Medicine herbs, but will also deepen their understanding of Chinese Medicine herbology.
Link to the programme:
4. Visit to the Research Facilities of the School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (Site Visit)
Date: 10 April 2021 (Sat)
Programme Description:
Research Laboratories of the School of Chinese Medicine of the University of Hong Kong is an integration of knowledge and technologies of biomedical, analytical chemistry in herbal medicine, tissue culture and experimental animal testing. Laboratory researchers are dedicated to studying how to use traditional Chinese Medicines and acupuncture to treat a variety of diseases, including pain, depression, cardiovascular and erebral vascular diseases, diabetes, liver cancer and breast cancer. By visiting the laboratories, participants can gain a deeper understanding on scientific research facilities, research areas and future development of Chinese Medicine, thereby inspiring their scientific and creative thinking.