Seminar Series on Translational Chinese Medicine (only Chinese version available)
1. (18:00-19:00)
題目: 穴位刺激療法和中藥治療精神疾病:最新進展和臨床推薦
The Use of Acupoint Stimulation Therapy and Chinese Medicines in the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders: Update and Clinical Recommendation
講者: 香港大學中醫藥學院教授 張樟進教授
Prof Zhangjin Zhang, Professor, School of Chinese Medicine, HKU
2. (19:00-20:00)
題目: 新型冠狀病毒肺炎中醫藥治療的切入點
Key to Treating COVID-19 by Traditional Chinese Medicine
講者: 香港大學中醫藥學院講師 羅翌醫師
Ms Yi Luo, Lecturer, School of Chinese Medicine, HKU
語言: 普通話
形式: Zoom Webinar (將於講座開始前電郵講座連結資訊予參加者)
香港註冊中醫進修學分: 2 CME 學分 (CME-PP0012-SEM2101)*