

普通話, 英語, 廣東話



  • 香港大學中醫藥學院 教授
  • 研究生委員會主席
  • 生物醫藥技術國家重點實驗室教授
  • 管理職位
  • 香港大學中醫藥學院副院長(科研)
  • 香港大學中醫藥學院研究生委員會主席
  • 香港大學中醫藥學院管理委員會成員
  • 香港大學李嘉城醫學院共同核心課程委員會委員
  • 香港大學李嘉城醫學教育與健康科學研究所專業發展委員會委員
  • 香港醫院管理局中醫藥研究發展委員會委員
  • 香港中醫藥管理委員會中藥組成員
  • 學歷
    1995年9月至1998年7月 中國科學院生物物理研究所 博士學位
    1987年9月至1990年7月 中山醫科大學 中西醫結合碩士學位
    1979年7月至1984年7月 湖南中醫學院 醫療全科醫學學士學位
    2012年12月 香港大學中醫藥學院 教授, 副院長
    2007年1月至2012年12月 香港大學中醫藥學院 副教授, 助理院長
    2005年11月至2006年12月 香港中文大學中醫學院 助理教授
    2005年3月至2005年10月 香港大學中醫藥學院 助理教授
    2004年8月至2005年12月 美國新墨西哥大學健康科學中心研究助理教授
    2001年9月至2004年8月 香港大學醫學院內科學系 研究助理教授
    1999年8月至2001年9月 美國達茨茅斯醫學院 研究科學家
    1998年9月至1999年8月 美國哈佛醫學院 博士後研究員
    1995年7月至1998年7月 中國第一軍醫大學中醫系副教授/南方醫院中醫科副主任醫師
    1990年7月至1995年7月 中國第一軍醫大學中醫系講師/南方醫院中醫科主治醫師
    1984年7月至1987年7月 中國第一軍醫大學中醫系助教/南方醫院中醫科/內科住院醫師
    1. 香港大學的《中醫內科學》﹑《中醫診斷學》﹑《醫學統計學》課程教學 2007-2018
    2. 香港中文大學的《中醫內科學》﹑《醫案及醫學論文寫作》課程教學 2005-2007
    3. 第一軍醫大學中醫中藥本科生《中醫診斷學》、碩士研究生《臨床及基礎科研思路與方法學》的課程教學, 《中醫內科學》臨床見習和實習帶教工作 1995-1998
    4. 第一軍醫大學中醫中藥本科生《中醫診斷學》、《中醫疾病防治學》及《中醫內科學》及軍醫本科生《中醫診斷學》課程教學,以及碩士研究生之《臨床及基礎科研思路與方法學》的課程。1990-1995
    5. 第一軍醫大學開展《中醫診斷學》之多媒體教學研究課題專案曾獲廣東省高教局教學二等獎。主編《中醫脈診》教學幻燈片獲第一軍醫大學電化教學二等獎。1990
    6. 第一軍醫大學中醫中藥本科生《中醫診斷學》課程教學、《中醫內科學》臨床見習實習帶教1986-1987
    2007- 香港大學中醫內科學臨床教學, 老年病(心腦血管病、惡性腫瘤)專家門診工作
    2005-2006 香港中文大學中醫內科學臨床教學
    1995-1998 南方醫院老年病的專家門診工作和臨床研究
    1990-1995 南方醫院中西醫結合專科門診及病房工作及普通內科雜病的臨床診療工作
    1984-1987 南方醫院內科學系住院醫師訓練
    2018年5月 徐州醫科大學客座教授
    2017年10月 大連醫科大學客座教授
    2015年10月 南方醫科大學客座教授
    2015年9月 廣州中醫藥大學 杏林講座教授
    2014年9月 大連大學客座教授
    2013年11月 廣東省惠州市第一醫院客座教授
    2013年10月 暨南大學客座教授
    2011年9月 湖南中醫藥大學 海外名師
    2011年5月 復旦大學腫瘤醫院 客座教授
    2011年5月 廣州中醫藥大學深圳中醫院 客座教授
    2008年9月 溫州醫科大學 客座教授
    2007年5月 華南理工大學 客座教授
    2006年9月 湖南中醫藥大學 客座教授
    2006年1月 美國新墨西哥大學健康科學中心 客座教授
    2005年7月 四川大學華西醫院 客座教授
    2003年12月 廣東醫學院 客座教授
    1. 香港特別行政區研究資助局研究基金評審委員會委員
    2. 香港特別行政區健康與醫學研究基金評審委員會委員
    3. 香港特別行政區醫院臨床倫理委員會成員
    4. 澳門科學技術基金特邀評審專家
    5. 國家自然科學基金評審專家
    6. 廣東省自然科學基金中醫中藥組評審專家(終審)
    1. 香港中西醫結合學會副會長
    2. 世界中醫藥聯合會古代經典名方專業委員會副會長
    3. 世界中醫藥聯合會中醫診斷學專業委員會副會長
    4. 世界中醫藥聯合會方藥量效專業委員會副會長
    5. 世界中醫藥聯合會道地藥材多維評價專業委員會副會長
    6. 世界中醫藥學會聯合會臨床用藥安全研究委員會副會長
    7. 中國生物物理學會自由基生物學與醫學專委會常務理事
    8. 亞州自由基學會常務理事
    9. 中國藥理學會網絡藥理學專業委員會常務理事
    10. 澳門國際中醫藥學會常務理事
    11. 世界中醫藥聯合會氣血專業委員會常務理事
    12. 世界中醫藥聯合會中藥藥理學會常務理事
    13. 世界中醫藥聯合會中醫翻譯專業委員會常務理事
    14. 中國中西醫結合學會神經醫學專業委員會學部委員
    15. 國際氧傳遞至組織學會理事
    16. 美國化學學會理事
    17. 世界中風學會理事

    副主編 Associate Editor-in-Chief

  • World Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Digital Chinese Medicine
  • BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  • Integrative Medicine International
  • 編委 Editorial Board Members:

  • Scientific Reports (Nature Group Journal)
  • Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
  • Chinese Medicine
  • American Journal of Chinese Medicine
  • American Journal of Biomedical Sciences
  • 中華行為醫學與腦科學雜誌
  • 評委 Ad Hoc Overseas Expert Advisor Board:

  • Neural Regeneration Research 2009
  • 評委 Ad Hoc Reviewer:

  • ACS Nano
  • Acta Pharmacologica Sinica
  • Aging
  • Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics,
  • BBRC,
  • BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  • Brain Research,
  • Biomaterials
  • Biological Trace Element Research
  • BioMed Research International
  • Cell Proliferation
  • Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine
  • Chinese Medicine
  • Experimental Neurology
  • Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  • Food & Function
  • Frontier in Neurology
  • Integrative Medicine International
  • International Journal of Radiation Biology
  • Journal of Clinical Medicine
  • Journal of Endocrinology
  • Journal of Ethnopharmacology
  • Journal of Neurochemistry
  • Journal of Neuroinflammation
  • Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine
  • Journal of Translational Medicine
  • Medicine
  • Molecules
  • Nature Communication
  • Natural Product Research
  • Neurochemistry International
  • Neuroscience Letter
  • Nutrition Research
  • Neural Regeneration Research
  • Oncotarget
  • Pharmaceutical Biology
  • PLoS One
  • Redox Biology
  • Regulatory Peptides
  • SpringerPlus
  • Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
  • 科學基金評審
  • Panel Member, Panel Member, Biology and Medicine Panel, University Grants Committee, Hong Kong SAR, China, Since 2019-
  • Panel Member, Health and Medical Research Fund. Hong Kong SAR, Since 2015
  • External Reviewer, Macau Science and Technology Development Foundation, Since 2016
  • External Reviewer, University of Macau Multi-Year Research Grant, Since 2014
  • External Reviewer, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, Since 2012
  • Internal Reviewer, RGC GRF grant, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Since 2011
  • Chairman, Reviewer Panel, Pong Ding Yuen Endowment Fund for Research in Chinese-western Medicine, School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong, 2007-2012
  • Invited Grant Reviewer, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2006, 2016 , 2018
  • Member, Chinese Medicine Panel, Natural Science and Technology Foundation of Guangdong Province, China, 1998
  • 學術榮譽
    2016 中醫藥治療胰腺癌長期帶瘤生存的作用及機制 上海市科研進步獎一等獎
    2010 補陽還五湯對缺血性中風後神經元保護及增殖作用的相關機制研究 中華中醫藥學會科學技術獎三等獎
    2002 Young Investigator Award, 7th Medical Research Conference, Hong Kong
    1998 獲中國人民解放軍總後勤部科技進步二等獎
    1998 獲中國科學院地奧獎一等獎
    1997 獲中國人民解放軍總後勤部科技進步三等獎
    1997 Young Scientist Award of the Fifth International Meeting of Nitric Oxide Biology, September 15-19th, 1997 in Kyoto, Japan.
    1997 Young Scientist Award of the First Asia – Pacific Symposium of EPR/ESR, January 17-20th, 1997 in Hong Kong
    1. 氧化還原信號及炎症因子在腦卒中和多發性硬化症的作用及其中醫藥治療策略
    2. 中醫藥促進腦卒中干細胞神經再生的研究
    3. 人工智能在中醫診斷的應用研究
    4. 中醫藥治療心腦血管病及腫瘤的臨床研究



    承擔高競爭性及重點研究項目 (負責人 Principal Investigator)

    1. Chemical Biology Approach to Molecular Medicine (以化學生物學方法探索分子醫學). Areas of Excellence Scheme 2016/17, Research Grants Council 香港研究資助局卓越研究計劃(第七次) AoE/P-705/16. HK$ 83,820,000 (with $78.077m from the RGC), Co-Principal Investigator, 2017-2023
    2. Elucidating the roles of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) in mediating hemorrhage transformation (HT) in ischemic stroke with delayed thrombolytic therapy and its application for therapeutic approach with Acteoside. (次氯酸介導中風溶栓出血轉化機制及Acteside作為治療藥物的評價研究). RGC GRF grant 香港研究資助局 No. 17105220, Hong Kong, HK$ 1,194,296; 2020.8-2023.7
    3. Artificial intelligence recognitions for traditional Chinese medicine pulse patterns and its correlation study with body constitution in healthy human subjects (人工智能識别中醫脈象特徵及體質研究). Health and Medical Research Fund, Hong Kong No. 1718811. HK$ 1,491,344.00, 2019.11-2022.10.
    4. Exploring Molecular Targets for Drug Discovery to Preventing Hyperglycemia-mediated Hemorrhagic transformation in Ischemic Stroke: Sodium Danshensu (SDSS) as an Example. RGC GRF grant 香港研究資助局 No. 17118717, HK$ 980,801 2017.10-2020.9
    5. 探討活性氮介導的過度線粒體自噬在腦缺血再灌注損傷中的作用及抗氧化劑柚皮苷的干預效應。Grant from National Natural Science Foundation of China 國家自然科學基金面上專案 No. 31570855. 人民幣 62 萬 (香港大學深圳研究院), 2016-2019
    6. Evaluating the neuroprotective effect and safety of An-Gong-Niu-Huang Wan and its ingredients in ischemic stroke (安宫牛黄丸及其重金属成分在缺血性脑卒中的保护作用及其毒理学研究)。香港創新科技署專案 Innovation and Technology Fund of Hong Kong, UICP Ref No. UIM/289. Hong Kong, HK$ 1,430,239; 2016.6-2018.5
    7. Exploring Effects of Glycyrrhizin, an active compound from Glycyrrhizae Radix, on attenuating delayed tissue-plasminogen activator (t-PA) treatment-induced hemorrhagic transformation in Ischemic Stroke 香港衛生與醫學研究基金,HMRF Project Ref. No. 13142901, HK$ 1,009, 608,  2016.1-2019.12
    8. Exploring HMGB1 signaling as molecular target in peroxynitrite-mediated blood brain barrier disruption and hemorrhage transformation in ischemia-reperfused brain with delayed thrombolytic therapy. RGC GRF grant 香港研究資助局 No. 17102915, Hong Kong, HK$ 738,179; 2016.1-2018.12
    9. Exploring Caveolin-1 as a novel molecular target for hampering T lymphocytes Infiltration through Blood Brain Barrier and Attenuating Disease Progress in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. (負責人 Principal Investigator), RGC GRF grant 香港研究資助局 No. 17118514, Hong Kong, HK$658,179; 2015.1-2017.12
    10. Elucidating effects of APPL2 on regulating proliferation and cell fate decision of neural stem/progenitor cells through activating Notch signaling pathway. (負責人 Principal Investigator), RGC GRF grant 香港研究資助局 No. 777313, Hong Kong, HK$779,429; 2014.1-2016.12
    11. Exploration of dietary compound isoliquiritigenin in chemosensitizing  breast cancer stem cells by targeting aberrant β-catenin signaling. 香港衛生與醫學研究基金,HMRF Project 11121951, HK$ 758,360.00; 2013.9-2015.10
    12. 過氧亞硝基調節腦缺氧缺血後神經再生及其信號通路的研究。Grant from National Natural Science Foundation of China 國家自然科學基金面上專案 80 萬人民幣 (香港大學深圳研究院, 負責人 Principal Investigator), 2013-2016
    13. Elucidating peroxynitrite as a cellular signaling molecule for regulating proliferation and neuronal differentiation of neural stem/progenitor cells under hypoxic and ischemic conditions. (負責人Principal Investigator), RGC GRF grant, Hong Kong, 香港研究資助局 No. 776512M, HK$1,158,250.00; 2012.9-2015.8
    14. Establishment of a novel platform for screening active components from herbal formula for controlling “stemness’ of cancer and related signal pathways for extension of survivals of cancer patients. Grant from National Natural Science Foundation of China 國家自然科學基金面上專案55 萬人民幣. 2011-2014. 
    15. Molecular regulations of reactive nitrogen species inhibitors for preventing thrombolysis-induced blood brain barrier disruption and hemorrhagic transformation in experimental cerebral ischemia-reperfersion models. (負責人 Principal Investigator) RGC GRF grant, Hong Kong 香港研究資助局, No. 777611M, HK$ 890,000;  2011-2014
    16. Elucidating caveolin-1 as a negative modulating protein for proliferation and differentiation of neural stem/progenitor cells in post-ischemic brain. (負責人 Principal Investigator) RGC GRF grant, 香港研究資助局 No. 777610M, Hong Kong, HK$1,084,600;  2010-2013
    17. Interactions of reactive nitrogen species, caveolins and matrix metalloproteinases: A novel signal mechanism in disruption of blood brain barrier during ischemic stroke.  (負責人 Principal Investigator) RGC GRF grant, 香港研究資助局 No. 774408M, Hong Kong, HK$ 1,191,369; 2008-2011
    18. Plasma membrane cholesterol homeostasis and oxidative stress: implication for neuronal oxidative damage in ischemia stroke. (負責人 Principal Investigator) RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant, Hong Kong 香港研究資助局 No. 749504M, HK$ 939,968;  2005-2007
    19. Effects of “Huang-Shan-Yao” on regulating lipid metabolism and protecting ischemic myocardium. (共同負責人 Co-Principal Investigator) National Natural Science Foundation of China 國家自然科學基金專案 RMB: 200,000;  2004-2006
    20. Adiponectin as a novel diagnostic marker and therapeutic target for treatment of diabetes, steatohepatitis and other metabolic disorders. Innovation and Technology Fund of Hong Kong 香港創新科技署專案 (共同負責人 Co-Principal investigator) HK$ 3,000,000; 2004-2006
    21. Molecular pharmacological study of Buyan Huangwu Decoction, a classic TCM formula, against cerebral ischemia damage. (負責人 Principal investigator) Grant from National Natural Science Foundation of China 國家自然科學基金專案 RMB: 140,000; 1999-2001
    22. Serum pharmacological study of Yiqi Tongluo Pill against cardiomyocyte apoptosis in hypoxia-reoxygenation injury. (負責人 Principal investigator) Grant from Natural Science Foundation in Guangdong Province, China  廣東省自然科學基金專案, 人民幣: 100,000; 1998-2000
    23. Protective mechanisms of a Chinese medicine “Yiqi Tongluo Pill” on myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury. (負責人 Principal investigator) Grant from National Natural Science Foundation of China 國家自然科學基金專案 RMB: 60,000; 1994-1996
    24. Study of stress and aging hyperlipidema. (合作者 Co-investigator) Grant from Military Medical Ministry of PLA, P. R. China RMB 100,000; 1992-1995

      香港大學研究基金、合約研究及研究捐款項目 (負責人)

    26. Elucidating the role of HMGB1 in blood brain barrier disruption and hemorrhage transformation in ischemia-reperfused brain with delayed thrombolytic therapy. Seed Funding for Basic Research, The University of Hong Kong HK$ 119,956  2015.1-2016.12
    27. Exploring the neuroprotective effect and toxickinetics of An-Gong-Niu-Huang Wan against Blood brain barrier disruption in ischemic stroke treatment. Tong-reng-tang Pharmaceutical Inc. LTD Contract research Project HK$ 1,880,000 2015.1-2016.12  
    28. Exploring the neuroprotective effect and toxickinetics of An-Gong-Niu-Huang Wan in ischemic rat stroke model. Seed Funding for Applied Research, The University of Hong Kong  HK$ 99,249  2015.1.1-2015.12.31
    29. Roles of Caveolin-1 in Regulating T lymphocytes Infiltration through Blood Brain Barrier inPathological Process of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. Seed Funding for Basic Research, The University of Hong Kong HK$ 83,800  2014.6-2015.5
    30. Effects of endosomal adaptor protein for regulating cell fate decision during differentiation of neural stem/progenitor cells. Seed Funding for Basic Research, The University of Hong Kong  HK$ 83,800 2013.4-2014.3
    31. Mineral Balance as supplements for anti-osteoporosis. Donation from Pholia (Far East) Co. Ltd. HK$ 200, 000. 2013.1-2013.12
    32. Using Ski as a molecular target for seeking active compounds from Qingyihuaji (QYHJ) formula for inhibiting pancreatic cancer stem cells.  Seed Funding for Applied Research, The University of Hong Kong. HK$ 100,000 2012.6-2013. 5
    33. Elucidating peroxynitrite as a cellular signaling molecule for regulating proliferation and neuronal differentiation of neural stem/progenitor cells under hypoxic and ischemic conditions. Seed Funding for Basic Research, The University of Hong Kong  HKD: 95,500; 2012.4-2012.5
    34. Effects of reactive nitrogen species inhibitors on preventing thrombolysis-induced blood brain barrier disruption and hemorrhagic transformation in cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury.  Seed Funding for Basic Research, The University of Hong Kong  HKD: 98,590; 2011.4-2012.3    
    35. Effects of hydroxysafflor yellow A (HSYA) on protecting myocardial and brains from ischemia reperfusion injury. Contract research project with Zhejiang Yong Ning Pharmaceutical Inc. Limited, HK$ 376,530; 2010.4-2011.4
    36. Development of hydroxysafflor yellow A (HSYA) as a botanical drug for reducing blood brain barrier permeability and preventing infarction enlargement for stroke treatment.  Seed Funding for Applied Research, The University of Hong Kong  HK$ 100,000;  2010.6-2011.5
    37. Effects of Baicalin on promoting differentiation of neural stem cells into neurons in post-ischemic stroke rats. Seed Funding for Basic Research, The University of Hong Kong  HKD: 70,000; 2009.4-2010.3
    38. Elucidating effects and mechanisms of isoflavonoids from Astragalus Mongholicus in improving neurogenesis for post-stroke treatment. Small Grant for Basic Research, The University of Hong Kong HK$ 60,000; 2010.1.1-2010.12
    39. Development of caveolin-1 as a target molecule for screening active compounds from herbal medicine in promoting neurogenesis for ischemic stroke. Small Grant for Basic Research, The University of Hong Kong HK$ 60,000;  2008.11-2010.10
    40. Interactions of reactive nitrogen species, caveolins and matrix metalloproteinases: A novel signal mechanism in disruption of blood brain barrier during ischemic stroke. Merit Award for GRF project, HKU, HK$ 50,000; 2009.1-2011.7
    41. Research and development of Chinese Medicine for improving neural regeneration and recovery of neurological function in post-stroke treatment. Private Donation for Research, HK$ 500,000; 2008.1-2010.12   
    42. Research and development of Chinese Medicine for improving neural regeneration and recovery of neurological function in post-stroke treatment. Government Match Fund for Donation on TCM Stroke Research, HK$ 125,000  2008.3-2010.3
    43. Development of TCM for stroke treatment. GB Donation HK$ 150,000; 2008.1-2009.12
    44. Development of nano-salvianic acids for protecting neural cells from oxidative injury. Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research, The University of Hong Kong. HK$ 80,000; 2008.1-2009.12
    45. Seeking active components from Buyang Huanwu Decoction for improving proliferation and differentiation of neural progenitor cells in post-stroke treatment. Seed Funding for Applied Research, The University of Hong Kong  HK$ 200,000; 2007.1-2008.12
    46. Effects of Buyang Hanwu Decoction on improving neuronal regeneration in hippocampus and recovery of neurological function after ischemic brain injury. Director Grant, Chinese University of Hong Kong  HK$ 60,000;  2006.1-2007.12
    47. Effects of Buyang Huanwu Decoction, a classic formula of Traditional Chinese Medicine, on neuronal regeneration in experimental ischemic stroke. Seed Funding for Basic Research, The University of Hong Kong  HKD: 90,000; 2004.1-2005.12
    48. Roles of plasma membrane cholesterol homeostasis in regulating neuronal oxidative damage of ischemic stroke. Small Project Funding, The University of Hong Kong HK$ 120,000;  2004.1-2005.12
    49. Role of caveolins in free radical generation of hypoxia-reoxygenated neuronal cells: implication for neuronal oxidative damage of ischemia stroke. Seed Funding for Basic Research, The University of Hong Kong. HK$ 200,000; 2003.1-2004.12    
    50. Effect of intracellular cholesterol trafficking on nitric oxide synthase,  reactive oxygen species and cell death in Chinese hamster ovary cells under oxidative stress.   Seed Funding for Basic Research, The University of Hong Kong, HK$ 120,000. 2002.1-2003.12
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    52. Free radical mechanisms of ischemia heart diseases and protection of a Chinese  medicine decoction. Grant from President Foundation of the First Military Medical University, China RMB 20,000



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    6. Adiponectin as a novel diagnostic marker and therapeutic target for treatment of diabetes, steatohepatitis and other metabolic disorders. Innovation and Technology Fund of Hong Kong (Collaborator, PI for one branch) HKD: 2,288,960;  2004.1-2006.12
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    3. Shen JG*, Chen XM. Drug discovery from Traditional Chinese Medicine for neurogenesis: Implications for stroke and neurodegenerative diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine__ Scientific Basis for its Use. (Eds. James D. Adams, Jr.). Royal Society of Chemistry, Thomas Graham House , Cambridge CB4 0WF, UK 2013 SBN: 978-1-84973-661-9 (Citation 3)
    4. Feng YB, Chen XM, Wang N, Shen JG. Current Progress on Medicinal Plants and their Biological Properties in Contemporary China. In J.N. Govil, Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants. Studium Press LLC, Houston, USA , 2009, pp 529-588
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    國際雜誌 (*通訊作者, Impact factor 2020, Google Citations 13423, Google H Index 46)

    1. Gu Y, Chen X, Fu S, Liu W, Wang Q, Liu KJ, Shen J*. Astragali Radix isoflavones synergistically alleviate cerebral ischemia and reperfusion injury via activating estrogen receptor-PI3K-Akt signaling pathway. Frontiers in Pharmacology 2021, 12: 132 (Impact factor 4.225)
    2. Leung YL, Guan B, Chen S, Chan H, Kong K, Li W, Shen J*. Artificial intelligence meets traditional Chinese medicine: a bridge to opening the magic box of sphygmopalpation for pulse pattern recognition. Digital Chinese Medicine 2021: 4:1-8
    3. Ma J, Fan H, Cai H, Hu Z, Zhou X, Li F, Chen H, Shen J, Qi S. Promotion of Momordica Charantia polysaccharides on neural stem cell proliferation by increasing SIRT1 activity after cerebral ischemia/reperfusion in rats. Brain Research Bulletin 2021; 170: 254-263. (Impact factor 3.37)
    4. Luo YX, Chen H, Tsoi B, Wang Q, Shen J*. Danggui-Shaoyao-San (DSS) ameliorates cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury via activating SIRT1 signaling and inhibiting NADPH oxidases. Frontiers in Pharmacology 2021:12: 747 (Impact factor 4.225)
    5. Chen H, Guan B, Chen S, Yang D, Shen J*. Peroxynitrite activates NLRP3 inflammasome and contributes to hemorrhagic transformation and poor outcome in ischemic stroke with hyperglycemia. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2021; 165, 171-183 (Impact factor 6.02)
    6. Abdel-Aziz AK, Abdelfatah S, Abdellatif M, Abdoli A ,… Shen J.,… Klionsky DJ.  Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition).  Autophagy 2021 Jan;17(1):1-382. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2020.1797280 (Impact factor 9.77)
    7. He Y, Chen S, Tsoi B, Qi S, Gu B, Wang Z, Peng C, Shen J*. Alpinia Oxyphlla Miq and its active compound P-coumaric acid promotes brain-derived neurotrophic factor signaling for inducing hippocampal neurogenesis and improving post cerebral ischemic spatial cognitive functions. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 2021; 8:577790. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2020.577790. (Impact Factor 5.021)
    8. Li Y, Zhao Y, Gao C, Wu M, So KF, Tong Y, Shen J*. Caveolin-1 derived from brain microvascular endothelial cells inhibits neuronal differentiation of neural stem/progenitor cells in vivo and in vitro. Neuroscience2020; 448:172-190 (Impact Factor 3.056)
    9. Hu Z, Li F, Zhou X, Zhang F, Huang L, Gu G, Shen J, Qi S. Momordica Charantia Polysaccharides Modulate the Differentiation of Neural Stem Cells via SIRT1/Β-Catenin Axis in Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion. Stem Cell Research & Therapy 11:485, 2020 (Impact Factor 5.116)
    10. Xu H, Shen J, Xiao J, Chen F, Wang M. Neuroprotective effect of cajaninstilbene acid against cerebral ischemia and reperfusion damages by activating AMPK/Nrf2 pathway. Journal of Advanced Research (In press),https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jare.2020.07.011 (Impact Factor 6.992)
    11. Zheng Y, Qin Z, Tsoi B, Shen J, Zhang ZJ. Electroacupuncture on trigeminal nerve-innervated acupoints ameliorates post-stroke cognitive impairment in rats with middle cerebral artery occlusion: involvement of neuroprotection and synaptic plasticity. Neural Plasticity 2020;2020:8818328. (Impact Factor 3.093)
    12. Du Q, Deng R, Gao C, Shen J*.  Combination of matrix solid phase dispersion and response surface evaluation for simultaneous detections of multiple bioactive constituents of Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula: Using Baoyuan Capsule as an example. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 2020; 190:113495 (Impact factor 3.209, Citation time 1)
    13. Chen X, Chen H, He Y, Fu S, Liu H, Wang Q, Shen J*. Proteomics-Guided Study on Buyang Huanwu Decoction for Its Neuroprotective and Neurogenic Mechanisms for Transient Ischemic Stroke: Involvements of EGFR/PI3K/Akt/Bad/14-3-3 and Jak2/Stat3/Cyclin D1 Signaling Cascades. Molecular Neurobiology 2020; 57(10): 4305-4321. (Impact factor 4.586,  Citation time 2)
    14. Chen H, Guan B, Wang B, Pu H, Bai X, Chen X, Liu J, Li C, Qiu J, Yang D, Liu K, Wang Q, Qi S, Shen J*. Glycyrrhizin Prevents Hemorrhagic Transformation and Improves Neurological Outcome in Ischemic Stroke with Delayed Thrombolysis Through Targeting Peroxynitrite-Mediated HMGB1 Signaling. Translational Stroke Research 2020;11(5):967-982 (Impact factor 5.78, Citation time 17)
    15. Zhang Y, He Y, Wu M, Chen H, Zhang L, Yang D, Wang Q, Shen J*. Rehmapicroside ameliorates cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury via attenuating peroxynitrite-mediated mitophagy activation. Free Radical Biology and Medicine2020; 160:526-539 (Impact factor 6.02)
    16. Gao C, Yan T, Chen X, Cheng KK, Xu A, Shen J*.  APPL2 negatively regulates olfactory functions by switching fate commitments of neural stem cells in adult olfactory bulb via interaction with notch1 signaling. Neuroscience Bulletin 2020;36(9):997-1008.  (Impact factor 4.326)
    17. Ye S,  Hananya N, Green O, Chen H, Zhao AQ,  Shen J, Shabat D, Yang D,.  A highly selective and sensitive chemiluminescent probe for real-time monitoring of hydrogen peroxide in cells and animals. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2020 ; 59(34): 14326-14330 (Impact factor 12.959, Google Citation 16 )
    18. Xu H, Deng R, Li ET, Shen J, Wang M. Pinosylvin provides neuroprotection against cerebral ischemia and reperfusion injury through enhancing PINK1/Parkin mediated mitophagy and Nrf2 pathway. Journal of Functional Foods71, 104019, 2020 (Impact factor 3.701, Citation time 5)
    19. Chen H, He Y, Chen S, Qi S, Shen J*. Therapeutic targets of oxidative/nitrosative stress and neuro inflammation in ischemic stroke: Applications for natural product efficacy with omics and systemic biology. Pharmacological Research,   2020; 158:104877 (Impact factor 5.893, Citation time 8)
    20. Chen S, Chen H, Du Q, Shen J*.   Targeting myeloperoxidase (MPO) mediated oxidative stress and inflammation for reducing brain ischemia injury: Potential application of natural compounds. Frontiers in Physiology - Vascular Physiology, 2020:11:433 (Impact factor 3.201, Citation time 9)
    21. Bai X, Yang B, Chen H, Shen J, Yang D. HKOCl-4: A rhodol-based yellow fluorescent probe for the detection of hypochlorous acid in living cells and tissues. Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2020, 7, 993-996 (Impact factor 5.155, Google Citation 1)
    22. Li W, Deng R, Jing X, Chen J, Yang D, Shen J*. Acteoside ameliorates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis through inhibiting peroxynitrite-mediated mitophagy activation. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2020 ; 146:79-91(Impact factor 6.02, Citation time 18)
    23. Li W, Feng J, Gao C, Wu M, Du Q, Tsoi B, Wang Q, Yang D, Shen J*. Nitration of Drp1 provokes mitophagy activation mediating neuronal injury in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2019; 143: 70-83 (Impact factor 6.02, Citation time 10)
    24. Tsoi B, Wang S, Gao C, Luo Y, Li W, Yang D, Yang D, Shen J*. Realgar and cinnabar are essential components contributing to neuroprotection of Angong Niuhuang Wan with no hepatorenal toxicity in transient ischemic brain injury. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology2019, 114613. (Impact factor 3.74, Google Citation 4)
    25. Tsoi B, Chen X, Gao C, Wang S, Yuen SC, Yang D, Shen J. Neuroprotective effects and hepatorenal toxicity of Angong Niuhuang Wan against ischemia-reperfusion brain injury in rats. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2019; 10:593 (Impact factor 4.4,  Google Citation 12)
    26. Zhou X, Ding X, Shen J, Yang D, Hudson LG, Liu KJ. Peroxynitrite contributes to arsenic-induced PARP-1 inhibition through ROS/RNS generation. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 2019; 114602. (Impact factor 3.74, Citation 3)
    27. Chen X, Chen HS, Peng C, Shen J*. Active compounds and molecular targets of Chinese herbal medicine for neurogenesis in stroke treatment: Implication for cross talk between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. World Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2019; 5(2): 104-115. (Impact factor 0.82, Citation time 1)
    28. Lin R, Duan Z, Sun H, Fung ML, Chen H, Wang J, Lau CF, Yang D, Liu Y, Ni Y, Wang Z, Cui J, Wu W, Yung WH, Chan YS, Lo ACY, Xia J, Shen J, Huang JD. Kinesin-1 regulates extrasynaptic targeting of NMDARs and neuronal vulnerability toward excitotoxicity. iScience. 2019;13:82-97. (Citation time 3)
    29. Jian W, Fang S, Chen T, Fang J, Mo Y, Li D, Xiong S, Liu W, Song L, Shen J, Xia Y, Wang Q, Hong H. A novel role of HuR in -Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) induces tumour cells apoptosis. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 2019; 23(5):3767-3771 (Impact factor 4.59)
    30. Chen X, Wu H, Chen H, Wang Q, Xie XJ, Shen J*. Astragaloside VI promotes neural stem cell proliferation and enhances neurological function recovery in transient cerebral ischemic injury via activating EGFR/MAPK signaling cascades. Molecular Neurobiology 2019; 56 (4), 3053-3067 (Impact factor 4.586, Google Citation 11)
    31. Luo YX, Wang XY, Huang YJ, Fang SH, Wu J, Zhang YB, Xiong TQ, Yang C, Shen JG, Sang CL, Wang Q, Fang JS. Systems pharmacology-based investigation of Sanwei Ganjiang Prescription: related mechanisms in liver injury. Chinese Journal Natural Medicine 2018 Oct;16(10):756-765.
    32. Chen H, Chen X, Luo Y, Shen J*. Potential molecular targets of peroxynitrite in mediating blood-brain barrier damage and haemorrhagic transformation in acute ischaemic stroke with delayed tissue plasminogen activator treatment. Free Radical Research 2018 52(11-12):1220-1239 (Impact factor 2.77, Citation time 18)
    33. Deng RX, Law AHY, Shen JG, Chan GCF. Mini review: Application of human mesenchymal stem cells in gene and stem cells therapy era. Current Stem Cell Reports 2018; 4 (4), 327-337(Impact factor 2.05, Citation time 2)
    34. Shen JG. Clinical efficacy and therapeutic mechanisms of Traditional Chinese Medicine for neuroprotection and neurogenesis in stroke treatment. Digital Chinese Medicine2018; 1: 191-198.
    35. Li MD, Chen SM, Shi X, Liu CF, Zhang YF, Tan MQ, Wang C, Zang NL, Liu XX, Hu YF, Shen JG*, Zhou L, Gu Y.  Cell permeable HMGB1-binding heptamer peptide ameliorates neurovascular complications associated with thrombolytic therapy in rats with transient ischemic stroke. Journal of Neuroinflammation DOI: 10.1186/s12974-018-1267-5 [Epub ahead of print] (Impact factor 5.793, Citation time 22)
    36. Chen HS, Guan BH, Chen X, Chen XM, Li CM, Qiu JH, Yang D, Liu KJ, Q SH, Shen JG*.  Baicalin attenuates blood-brain barrier disruption and hemorrhagic transformation and improves neurological outcome in ischemic stroke rats with delayed t-PA treatment: Involvement of ONOO--MMP-9 pathway. Translational Stroke Research 2019; 9(5): 515-529 (Impact factor 5.78, Citation time  43).
    37. Gao C, Du QH, Li WT, Deng RX, Wang Q, Xu A, Shen JG*. Baicalin modulates APPL2/glucocorticoid receptor signaling cascade, promotes neurogenesis and attenuates emotional and olfactory dysfunctions in chronic corticosterone induced depression. Molecular Neurobiology 2018;55(12):9334-9348. (Impact factor 4.586, Citation time 23)
    38. Mo YS, XU EJ, Wei RR, Le BL, Li DL, Chen YG, Li XT, Feng SH, Shen JG, Yang C, Wang Q. Bushen-Yizhi Formula Alleviates Neuroinflammation via Inhibiting NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation in a Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease.  Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2018, Article ID 3571604 (Impact factor 1.79, Google Citation 9)
    39. Gao C, Chen X, Xu A, Cheng K, Shen JG*. Adaptor protein APPL2 affects adult antidepressant behaviors and hippocampal neurogenesis via regulating the sensitivity of glucocorticoid receptor. Molecular Neurobiology 2018; 55(7):5537-5547. (Impact factor 4.586, Citation time 11)
    40. Feng J, Chen X, Lu S, Li W, Yang D, Su W, Wang X, Shen JG*. Naringin attenuates cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury through inhibiting peroxynitrite-mediated mitophagy activation Molecular Neurobiology 2018, 55(12):9029-9042 (Impact factor 4.586, Citation time 30)
    41. Feng JH, Chen XM, Shen JG*. Inhibition of peroxynitrite-induced mitophagy activation attenuates cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. Molecular Neurobiology 2018, 55:6369-6386. (Impact factor 4.586, Citation time 48)
    42. Li WT, Wu H, Gao C, Yang D, Yang DP, Shen JG*. Radix Rehmanniae Extract Ameliorates Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis by Suppressing Macrophage-derived Nitrative Damage. Frontiers in Physiology 2018; 9: 864 (Impact factor 3.394, Citation time 9)
    43. Chen X, Zhou B, Yan T, Wu H, Feng J, Chen H, Gao C, Peng T, Yang D, Shen JG* Peroxynitrite enhances self-renewal, proliferation, and neuronal differentiation of neural stem/progenitor cells through activating HIF-1a and Wnt/ß-catenin signaling pathway. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2018; 117: 158-167 (Impact factor 6.020, Citation time 19)
    44. Chen HS, Chen X, Li WT, Shen JG*. Targeting RNS/caveolin-1/MMP signaling cascades to protect against cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injuries: potential application for drugdiscovery.Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2018;39(5):669-682.  (Impact factor 5.064, Citation time 32)
    45. Deng R, Zhao B, Guan B, Chan GC, Shen JG*.  Marine algae extract attenuated osteoporosis in OVX mice, enhanced osteogenesis on human mesenchymal stem cells and promoted OPG expression. Journal of Functional Foods 2018; 40: 229-237. (Impact factor 3.47, Citation time 5).
    46. Shen JG. Clinical efficacy and therapeutic mechanisms of Chinese Medicine for neuroprotection and neurogenesis in the management of stroke. The Hong Kong Medical Diary. 2018;23(10):17-19.
    47. Peng F, Tang H, Liu P, Shen J, Guan X, Xie X, Gao J, Xiong L, Jia L, Chen J, Peng C. Isoliquiritigenin modulates miR-374a/PTEN/Akt axis to suppress breast cancertumorigenesis and metastasis. Scientific Reports 2017;7(1):9022. (Impact factor 4.011, Google Citation 31)
    48. Chan LK, Ganotice F Jr, Wong FKY, Lau CS, Bridges SM, Chan CHY, Chan N, Chan PWL, Chen HY, Chen JY, Chu JKP, Ho CC, Ho JMC, Lam TP, Lam VSF, Li Q, Shen JG, Tanner JA, Tso WWY, Wong AKC, Wong GTC, Wong JYH, Wong NS, Worsley A, Yu LK, Yum TP.Implementation of an interprofessional team-based learning program involving sevenundergraduate health and social care programs from two universities, and students'evaluation of their readiness for interprofessional learning. BMC Medical Education 2017;17(1):221. (Impact factor 2.03, Citation time 26)
    49. Tang H, Peng F, Huang X, Xie X, Chen B, Shen J, Gao F, You J, Xie X, Chen J. Neoisoliquiritigenin inhibits tumor progression by targeting GRP78-β-catenin signaling in breast cancer. Current Cancer Drug Targets. 2018;18(4):390-399.  (Impact factor 2.29, Citation time 6)
    50. Cai C, Wu Q, Luo Y, Ma H, Shen J, Zhang Y, Yang L, Chen Y, Wen Z, Wang Q. In silico prediction of ROCK II inhibitors by different classification approaches.Molecular Diversity2017 21(4):791-807. (Impact factor 2.07, Citation time 17)
    51. Gao C, Shen JG*. Metabolic factors and adult neurogenesis: Impacts of Chinese herbal medicine on brain repair in neurological diseases.International Review of Neurobiology2017;135:117-147.  (Impact factor 2.551, Citation time 11)
    52. Gao C, Wang Q, Chung SK, Shen JG*. Crosstalk of metabolic factors and neurogenicsignaling in adult neurogenesis: Implication of metabolic regulation for mental andneurological diseases. Neurochemistry International  2017;135:117-147. (Impact factor 3.881, Citation time 17)
    53. Wu H, Shen JG*. Focusing on caveolin-1 in CNS autoimmune disease: multiple sclerosis. Neural Regeneration Research 2016;11(12):1920-1921 (Impact factor 3.171, Citation time 2)
    54. Feng J, Chen X, Shen JG*. Reactive nitrogen species as therapeutic targets for autophagy: implication for ischemic stroke. Expert Opinion Therapeutic Targets 21(3):305-317, 2017 (Impact factor 5.473, Citation time 17)
    55. Chen HS, Qi SH, Shen JG*. One-Compound-Multi-Target: Combination prospect of naturalcompounds with thrombolytic therapy in acute ischemic stroke. Current Neuropharmacology 2017;15(1):134-156 (Impact factor 4.16, Citation time 40)
    56. Qi Z, Liang J, Pan R, Dong W, Shen JG, Yang Y, Zhao Y, Shi W, Luo Y, Ji X, Liu KJ. Zinc contributes to acute cerebral ischemia-induced blood-brain barrier disruption. Neurobiology of Disease2016 Nov;95:12-21. (Impact factor 5.13, Citation time 22)
    57. Gao L, Chen XM, Peng T, Yang D, Lv ZP*, Shen JG*. Caveolin-1 protects against hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury through ameliorating peroxynitrite-mediated cell death. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2016, 95: 209–215 (Impact factor 6.020, Google Citation 20)
    58. Peng T, Chen XM, Gao L, Zhang T, Wang W, Shen JG, Yang D. A rationally designed rhodamine-based fluorescent probe for molecular imaging of peroxynitrite in live cells and tissues. Chemical Science 7(8):5407-5413, 2016. (Impact Factor 9.346, Google Citation 86)
    59. Wu H, Deng RX, Chen XM, Wong CW, Chen HS, Gao L, Nie YC, Wu WT, Shen JG*.  Caveolin-1 is critical for lymphocyte trafficking into central nervous system during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Journal of Neuroscience 36(19):5193-9, 2016 (Impact Factor 5.673, Citation time 24)
    60. Hu JJ, Wong NK, Lu MY, Chen XM, Ye S, Zhao AQ, Gao P, Kao RY, Shen JG, Yang D. HKOCl-3: a fluorescent hypochlorous acid probe for live-cell and in vivo imaging and quantitative application in flow cytometry and a 96-well microplate assay. Chemical Science 7(3):2094-2099, 2016 (Impact Factor 9.346, Google Citation 110)
    61. Chen HS, Chen XM, Feng JH, Liu KJ, Qi SH, Shen JG*.  Peroxynitrite decomposition catalyst reduces delayed thrombolysis-induced hemorrhagic transformation in ischemia-reperfused rat brains. CNS: Neuroscience and Therapeutics 2015; 21(7):585-90 (Impact factor 4.074, Google Citation 23)
    62. Chen HS, Guan BH, Shen JG*. Targeting ONOO-/HMGB1/MMP-9 signaling cascades: Potential for drug development from Chinese Medicine to attenuate ischemic brain injury and hemorrhagictransformation induced by thrombolytic treatment. Integrative Medicine International 2015; 3(1-2): 32-52 (Citation 6) 
    63. Zhao Y, Xu P, Hu S, Du L, Xu Z, Zhang H, Cui W, Mak S, Xu D, Shen J, Han Y, Liu Y, Xue M. Tanshinone II A, a multiple target neuroprotectant, promotes caveolae-dependent neuronaldifferentiation. European Journal of Pharmacology 2015; 765:437-446 (Impact factor 3.24)
    64. Gong JJ, Sun FM, Li YH, Zhou XL,  Duan ZZ, Duan FG,  Zhao L, Chen HS, Qi SH*, Shen JG*. Momordica charantia polysaccharides could protect against cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury through inhibiting oxidative stress mediated c-Jun N-terminal kinase 3 signaling pathway. Neuropharmacology 2015; 91:123-134. (Impact Factor 4.43, Google Citation 67)
    65. Zhao L, Peng F, Guan B, Li X, Wu W, Chen J, Shen JG*. Whether Metal Element-containing Herbal Formula Angong Niuhuang Pill is Safe for Acute Brains Disorders? Biological Trace Element Research 2015;166(1):41-8.  (Impact Factor 2.57, Google Citation 9)
    66. Peng F, Du QH, Peng C, Tang HL, Xie XM, Shen JG, Chen JP. A review: The pharmacology of isoliquiritigenin. Phytotherapy Research2015; 29(7):969-77 (Impact Factor 4.087, Google Citation 63)
    67. Hu JJ, Wong NK, Ye S, Chen XM, Lu MY, Zhao AQ, Guo Y, Ma AC, Leung AY, Shen JG, Yang D. Fluorescent probe HKSOX-1 for imaging and detection of endogenous superoxide in live cells and in vivo.  Journal of the American Chemical Society 2015; 137(21):6837-6843 (Impact Factor  14.5, Citation time 138)
    68. Wang N, Wang Z, Wang Y, Shen JG, Peng C , You JS, Peng F, Guan X, Chen J. Dietary compound Isoliquiritigenin prevents mammary carcinogenesis by inhibiting breast cancer stem cells through WIF1 demethylation. Oncotarget 2015; 6 (12):9854-76 (Impact Factor 3.71, Citation time 64)
    69. Sun H, Shen JG*, Liu T, Tan Y, Tian D, Luo T, Lai W, Dai M, Guo Z*. Heat shock protein 65 promotes atherosclerosis through impairing the properties of high density lipoprotein. Atherosclerosis 2014 ; 237(2):853-861 (Impact Factor 3.919, Google Citation 20)
    70. Wang N, Wang Z, Peng C, You J, Shen JG, Han S, Chen J. Dietary compound isoliquiritigenin targets GRP78 to chemosensitize breast cancer stem cells via β-catenin/ABCG2 signaling. Carcinogenesis 2014; 35(11):2544-54 (Impact Factor 3.92, Google Citation 64)
    71. Gu Y, Lee WS, Shen JG*. Site-2 protease responds to oxidative stress and regulates oxidative injury in mammalian cells. Scientific Reports 2014; 4:6268 (Impact Factor 4.122, Google Citation 9)
    72. Peng T, Wong NK, Chen XM, Chan YK, Ho DH, Sun ZN, Hu J, Shen JG, El-Nezami H, Yang D. Molecular imaging of peroxynitrite with HKGreen-4 in live cells and tissues. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014; 136(33):11728-34 (Impact Factor 14.5, Citation time 176)
    73. Wang ZY, Li WP, Liu PX, Chen QJ, Situ H, Zhong SW, Guo L, Lin Y, Shen JG, Chen JP. Caveolin-1 mediates chemoresistance in breast cancer stem cells via β-catenin/ABCG2 signaling pathway. Carcinogenesis 2014; 35(10):2346-56 (Impact Factor 3.92, Google Citation 68)
    74. Fu SP, Gu Y, Jiang JQ, Chen X, Xu MJ, Chen XM, Shen JG*. Calyscosin-7-O-<beta>-D-glucoside regulates nitric oxide/caveolin-1/matrix metalloproteinases pathway and protects blood-brain barrier integrity in experimental cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. Journal of Ethnopharmacology  2014; 155:692-701 (Impact Factor 3.69, Citation time 59)
    75. Qi Z, Yan F, Shi W, Zhang C, Dong W, Zhao Y, Shen JG, Ji X, Liu KJ, Luo YM. AKT-related autophagy contributes to the neuroprotective efficacy of Hydroxysafflor Yellow A against ischemic stroke in rats. Translational Stroke Research 2014; 5(4):501-9 (IF 5.78, Google Citation 42)
    76. Gao L, Zhou YC, Zhong WC, Chen C, Chen X, Gu Y, Chen J, Lv Z, Shen JG*. Caveolin-1 is essential for protecting against binge drinking-induced liver damage through inhibiting reactive nitrogen species. Hepatology 2014; 60(2):687-99 (Impact Factor 14.079, Google Citation 30)
    77. Zhu W, Zheng G, Gu Y, Chen X, Jin Y, Zhang G, Huang J, Shen JG*. Clinical efficacy and sEMG analysis of a new traditional Chinese medicine therapy in the treatment of spasticity followingapoplectic hemiparalysis.Acta Neurologica Belgica2014; 114(2):125-9 (Impact Factor 1.989, Citation time 22)
    78. Chen Y, Wu H, Nie YC, Li PB, Shen JG*, Su WW*. Mucoactive effects of naringin in lipoploysaccharide-induced acute lung injury mice and beagle dogs. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 2014; 38(1):279-287 (Impact Factor 3.292, Citation time 25)
    79. Chen XM, Chen HS, Deng RX, Shen JG*. Pros and cons of current approaches for detecting peroxynitrite and their applications. Biomedical Journal 2014, 37 (3), 120-126 (Impact Factor 3.697, Citation time 40)
    80. Gu Y, Chen JP, Shen JG*. Herbal Medicines for Ischemic Stroke: Combating Inflammation as Therapeutic Targets. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology 2014; 9:313-339 (Impact Factor 4.179, Citation time 66)
    81. Hua YQ, Chen Z, Meng ZQ, Chen H, Shen JG, WANG K, Peng W, Shen YH, Liu LM. High expression of erythropoietin producing hepatoma cell line-B2 (EphB2) predicts the efficiency of the Qingyihuaji formula treatment in pancreatic cancer CFPAC‑ 1 cells through the EphrinB1‑ EphB2 pathway. Oncology Letters 2014; 8(1):17-24 (Impact Factor 1.91, Citation time 4)
    82. Shen JG*, Chen XM, Chen X, Deng RX. Targeting Neurogenesis: A Promising Therapeutic Strategy for Post-stroke Treatment with Chinese Herbal Medicine. Integrative Medicine International 1:5-18, 2014 (Citation time 6)
    83. Zhang E, Shen JG, So KF. Chinese traditional medicine and adult neurogenesis in the hippocampus.  Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 4:77-81, 2014 (Impact Factor 3.08, Citation time 15)
    84. Yeung PK, Shen JG, Chung SS, Chung SK. Targeted over-expression of endothelin-1 in astrocytes leads to more severe brain damage and vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage.BMC Neuroscience 2013 14:131 (Impact Factor 2.57, Citation time 26)
    85. Pan Y, Zhao L, Chen XM, Gu Y, Shen JG, Liu LM. The XRCC1 Arg399Gln genetic polymorphism contributes to hepatocellular carcinoma susceptibility: an updated meta-analysis. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2013;14(10):5761-5767 (Impact Factor 2.514, Google Citation 8)
    86. Xu MJ, Chen XM, Gu Y, Peng T, Yang D, Chang RC, So KF, Liu KJ, Shen JG*.  Baicalin can scavenge peroxynitrite and ameliorate endogenous peroxynitrite-mediated neurotoxicity in cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2013;150(1):116-124 (Impact Factor 3.69, Citation time 67)
    87. Chen Y, Nie YC, Luo YL, Lin F, Zheng YF, Cheng GH, Wu H, Zhang KJ, Su WW, Shen JG*, Li PB*. Protective effects of naringin against paraquat-induced acute lung injury and pulmonary fibrosis in mice. Food and Chemical Toxicology 2013;58C:133-140. (Impact Factor 4.679, Citation time 105)
    88. Yang LP, Shen JG*, Xu WC, Li J, Jiang JQ*. Secondary metabolites of the genus astragalus: structure and biological-activity update. Chemistry & Biodiversity 2013; 10(6):1004-54 (Impact Factor 2.309, Citation time 31)
    89. Du LB, Miao XX, Jiang YG, Jia HY, Tian Q, Shen JG*, Liu Y*. An effective strategy for the synthesis of biocompatible gold nanoparticles using danshensu antioxidant: prevention of cytotoxicity via attenuation of free radical formation. Nanotoxicology 2013; 7(3):294-300 (Impact Factor 4.925, Citation time 18)
    90. Sun H, Ge N, Shao M, Cheng X, Li Y, Li S*, Shen JG*. Lumbrokinase attenuates diabetic nephropathy through regulating extracellular matrix degradation in Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2013;100(1):85-95 (Impact Factor 3.26, Citation time 40)
    91. Wang ZY, Wang N, Han SW, Wang DM, Mo SL, Yu LZ, Huang H, Tsui KC, Shen JG, Chen JP. Dietary compound isoliquiritigenin inhibits breast cancer neoangiogenesis via VEGF/VEGFR-2 signaling pathway. PLoS One 2013; 8(7):e68566 (Impact Factor 2.87, Citation time 129)
    92. Wang ZY, Wang DM, Han SW, Wang N, Mo FZ, Loo TY, Shen JG, Huang H, Chen JP. Bioactivity-guided identification and cell signaling technology to delineate the lactate dehydrogenase A: Inhibition effects of Spatholobus suberectus on breast cancer. PLoS One 2013; 8(2): e56613 (Impact Factor 2.87, Citation time 46)
    93. Chen XM, Chen HS, Xu MJ, Shen JG*. Targeting reactive nitrogen species: A promising therapeutic strategy for cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2013; 34(1):67-77 (Impact Factor 5.064, Citation time 88)
    94. Wang Y, Shen JG, Wang XM, Fu DL, Chen CY, Lu LY, Lu L, Xie CL, Fang JQ, Zheng GQ. Scalp Acupuncture for acute ischemic stroke: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2012, Article ID. 480950(Impact Factor 1.79, Citation time 60)
    95. Hao CZ, Wu F, Shen JG, Lu L, Fu DL, Liao WJ, Zheng GQ.  Clinical efficacy and safety of Buyang Huanwu decoction for acute ischemic stroke: A systematic review and Meta-analysis of 19 randomized controlled trials, Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2012, Article ID. 630124(Impact Factor 1.79, Citation time 52)
    96. Nie YC, Wu H, Li PB, Luo YL, Long K, Xie LM, Shen JG*, Su WW*. Anti-inflammatory effects of naringin in chronic pulmonary neutrophilic inflammation in cigarette smoke-exposed rats. Journal of Medicinal Food2012; 15(10): 894-900 (Impact Factor 1.981, Citation time 86)
    97. Wang ZY, Wang N, Chen J*, Shen JG*. Emerging glycolysis targeting and drug discovery from Chinese Medicine in cancer therapy. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2012, Article ID. 873175 (Impact Factor 1.79, Citation time 63)
    98.  Shen JG*. Reactive nitrogen species: Dual roles for blood brain barrier disruption and brain repairs in cerebral ischemia and reperfusion injury.Acta Biophysica Sinica 2012;28 ( 4): 295-306 (Impact factor 1.96, Google Citation 3)
    99. Nie YC, Wu H, Li PB, Xie LM, Luo YL, Shen JG*, Su WW*. Naringin attenuates EGF-induced MUC5AC secretion in A549 cells by suppressing the cooperative activities of MAPKs-AP-1 and IKKs-IκB-NF-κB signaling pathways. European Journal of Pharmacology 2012; 690:207-213 (Impact Factor 3.040, Citation time 69)
    100. Nie YC, Wu H, Li PB, Luo YL, Zhang CC, Shen JG*, Su WW*. Characteristic comparison of three rat models induced by cigarette smoke or combined with LPS: to establish a suitable model for study of airway mucus hypersecretion in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2012;25(5):349-358 (Impact Factor 2.71, Google Citation 69)
    101. Luo YL, Zhang CC, Li PB, Nie YC, Wu H, Shen JG*, Su WW*.  Naringin attenuates enhanced cough, airway hyperresponsiveness and airway inflammation in a guinea pig model of chronicbronchitis induced by cigarette smoke. International Immunopharmacology2012; 13(3):301-307 (Impact Factor 3.943, Citation time 69)
    102. Lau BW, Lee JC Lee, Li Y, Fung SM, Sang YH, Shen JG, Chang RC, So KF. Polysaccharides from wolfberry prevents corticosterone-induced inhibition of sexual behavior and increases neurogenesis. PLoS One 2012;7(4): e33374 (Impact Factor 2.87, Citation time 58)
    103. Li Y, Zhuang PW, Shen BR, Zhang YJ, Shen JG*. Baicalin promotes neuronal differentiation of neural stem/progenitor cells through modulating p-stat3 and bHLH family protein expression. Brain Research1429: 36-42, 2012 (Impact Factor 2.733, Citation time 52)
    104. Gu Y, Zheng GQ, Xu MJ, Li Y, Chen XM, Zhu WZ, Tong Y, Chung SK, Liu KJ,  Shen JG*. Caveolin-1 regulates nitric oxide mediated matrix metalloproteinases activity and blood-brain barrier permeability in focal cerebral ischemia and reperfusion injury. Journal of Neurochemistry 2012; 20(1):147-156, (Impact Factor 4.83, Citation time 177)
    105. Wang ZY, Loo TY, Shen JG, Wang N, Wang DM, Yang DP, Mo SL, Guan XY, Chen JP. LDH-A silencing suppresses breast cancer tumorigenicity through induction of oxidative stress mediated mitochondrial pathway apoptosis.Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 131(3):791-800, 2012 (Impact Factor 3.906, Citation time 129)
    106. Wang N, Wang  ZY,  Mo SL, Loo TY, Wang DM,  Luo HB , Yang DP,  Chen LY,  Shen JG,  Chen JP*. Ellagic acid, a phenolic compound, exerts anti-angiogenesis effects via VEGFR-2 signaling pathway in breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2012; 134(3):943-55 (Impact Factor 3.906, Citation time 176)
    107. Zhao H*, Ren CC, Chen XM, Shen JG. From rapid to delayed and remote postconditioning: the evolving concept of ischemic postconditioning in brain ischemia. Current Drug Targets13(2): 173-187, 2012(Impact Factor 2.29, Citation time 118)
    108. Wang Z, Cheng Y, Wang N, Wang DM, Li YW, Han F, Shen JG, Yang DP, Guan XY, Chen JP. Dioscin induces cancer cell apoptosis through elevated oxidative stress mediated by downregulation of peroxiredoxins. Cancer Biology & Therapy 2012;13(3), 138-147 (Impact Factor 2.83)
    109. Li Z, Yang D*, Huang M, Hu X, Shen JG, Zhao Z, Chen J. Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) larvae: A new biodiesel resource. Applied Energy2012; 94: 349-354 (Impact Factor 9.27, Citation time 43)
    110. Lee W, Xu M, Li Y, Gu Y, Chen J, Wong D, Fung PC, Shen JG*. Free cholesterol accumulation impairs antioxidant activities and aggravates apoptotic cell death in menadione-induced oxidative injury.Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 2011; 514(1-2):57-67 (Impact Factor 3.59, Citation time 12)
    111. Li Y, Luo J, Zheng G, Fu S, Wang TT, Zeng HP, So KF, Chung SK, Tong Y, Shen JG*. Caveolin-1 plays a crucial role in inhibiting neuronal differentiation of neural stem/progenitor cells via VEGF signaling-dependent pathway. PLoS One 2011; 6(8): e22901 (Impact Factor 2.766, Citation time 54)
    112. Xu WC, Shen JG*. Jiang JQ. Phytochemical and biological studies of the plants from the genus daphne.2011; 8: 1215-1233 (Impact Factor 1.56, Citation time 37)
    113. Li Y, Lau WM, So KF, Tong Y, Shen JG*. Caveolin-1 promotes astroglial differentiation of neural stem/progenitor cells through modulating Notch1/NICD and Hes1 expressions. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications2011; 407: 517-524 (Impact Factor 2.73, Citation time 37)
    114. Li Y, Lau WM, So KF, Tong Y, Shen JG*. Caveolin-1 inhibits oligodendroglial differentiation of neural stem/progenitor cells through modulating β-catenin expression, Neurochemistry International 2011; 59(2):114-121(Impact Factor 3.881, Google Citation 16)
    115. Zheng GQ, Zhao ZM, Wang Y, Gu Y, Li Y, Chen XM, Fu SP, Shen JG*. Meta-analysis of scalp acupuncture for acute hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage.Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2011; 17(4):293-299 (Impact Factor 1.518, Google Citation 59)
    116. Gu Y, Dee CM, Shen JG*. Interaction of free radicals, matrix metalloproteinases and caveolin-1 impacts blood-brain barrier permeability in cerebral ischemia and reperfusion injury. Frontier in Bioscience 2011; 3: 1216-1231 (Impact Factor 2.214, Citation time 132)
    117. Shen JG*, Lee W.S., Chen J. and Yang D. Caveolin-3 Peptide Protects Cardiomyocytes from Apoptotic Cell Death via Preserving Superoxide Dismutase Activity and Inhibiting Caspase-3 Activation under Hypoxia-reoxygenation. American Journal of Biomedical Sciences3(2): 126-144, 2011. (Google Citation 5)
    118. Wang ZY, Wang DM, Loo TY, Cheng Y, Chen LL, Shen JG, Yang DP, Chow LW, Guan XY, Chen JP. Spatholobus suberectus Dunn inhibits cancer angiogenesis through suppression of vascular endothelial growth factor signaling pathway. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2011; 133(2):751-758(Impact Factor 3.69, Google Citation 52)
    119. Shen JG*, Gu Y, Tong Y, Fung PC, Tong L. Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) prevents apoptosis in hypoxia-reoxygenated cardiomyocytes: involvement of mitochondria-dependent caspase pathway. Chinese Medicine 2011 6(1): 8 (Impact Factor 2.38, Citation time 33)
    120. Xu YC, Yang Y, Du LB, Shen JG*., Wang GQ, He Z, Tian Q, Liu Y. Autoxidation and prooxidation mechanism of Danshensu. Acta Physico-Chemica Sinica 2010;26(7):1737-1741 (Impact Factor 1.05) (Citation time 2)
    121. Zhai JJ, Liu ZL,Li JM, Chen JP, Jiang L,Wang DM, Yuan J,Shen JG, Yang DP, Chen JQ. Different mechanisms of cis-9,trans-11- and trans-10,cis-12- conjugated linoleic acid affecting lipid metabolism in 3T3-L1 cells. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 2010; 21(11):1099-1105 (Impact Factor 4.873, Citation time 40)
    122. Zheng GQ, Li Y, Gu Y, Chen XM, Zhou Y, Zhao SZ, Shen JG*. Beyond Water Channel:Aquaporin-4 in Adult Neurogenesis. Neurochemistry International. 2010; 56(5):651-654 (Impact Factor 3.881, Citation time 22)
    123. Yang D, Sun ZN, Peng T, Wang HL, Shen JG, Chen Y, Tam PK. Synthetic fluorescent probes for imaging of peroxynitrite and hypochlorous acid in living cells. Methods in Molecular Biology 2010; 591:93-103 (Impact Factor 10.71, Citation time 14)
    124. Shen JG, Sood R, Weaver J, Timmins GS, Schnell A, Miyake M, Kao JP, Rosen GM, Liu KJ. Direct visualization of mouse brain oxygen distribution by electron paramagnetic resonance imaging: Application to focal cerebral ischemia. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism2009; 29(10):1695-703.  (Impact Factor 5.49, Citation time 20)
    125. Mao WW, Wang TT, Zeng HP, Wang ZY, Chen JP, Shen JG*. The design, synthesis, and evaluation of novel substituted 5-hydroxycoumarin and pyranocoumarin derivatives exhibiting high antiproliferative activity. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters2009;19(16):4570-4573, (Impact Factor 2.85, Citation time 38)
    126. Ye XS, Feng YB, Tong Y, Ng KM, Tsao SW, Liu GK, Sze CW, Zhang YB, Tang J, Shen JG, Kobayashi S. Hepatoprotective and anti-oxidative effects of Coptidis Rhizoma aqueous extract on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver hepatotoxicity in rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology124(1):130-6, 2009   (Impact Factor 3.69, Citation time 109)
    127. Liu WL, Hendren J, Yuan ZR, Shen JG, Liu KJ. Normobaric hyperoxia attenuates early blood brain barrier disruption by inhibiting MMP-9-mediated occluding in focal cerebral ischemia. Journal of Neurochemistry   2009; 108:811-820 (Impact Factor 4.83, Citation time 203)
    128. Shen JG*, Lee WS, Lau CF, Ng KM, Fung ML, Liu KJ. Interaction of caveolin-1, nitric oxide, and nitric oxide synthases in hypoxic human SK-N-MC neuroblastoma cells.  Journal of Neurochemistry2008; 107:478-487 (Impact Factor  4.83, Citation time 25)
    129. Zeng HP, Wang, TT, Chen W, Wang CY, Chen DH, Shen JG*. Characterization of the chemical components in the Extracts from Si-wu decoction induce Proliferation of rat mesenchymal stem cells (rMSCs). Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 16(9):5109-14, 2008 (Impact Factor 2.85, Citation time 18)
    130. Rong JH, Cheung CY, Lau AS, Shen JG, Tam PH, Cheng YC. Induction of heme oxygenase-1 by traditional Chinese medicine formulation ISF-1 and its ingredients as a cytoprotective mechanism against oxidative stress, International Journal of Molecular Medicine 2008; 21: 405-411 (Impact Factor 2.95, Citation time 18)
    131. Shi J, Tong Y, Shen JG, Li HX. Effectiveness and safety of herbal medicines in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: A systematic review. World Journal of Gastroenterology2008; 14(3): 454-62 (Impact Factor 3.34, Citation time 77)
    132. Rong JH, Titon R, Shen JG, Ng KM, Liu C, Tam PK, Lau AS, Cheng YC. Genome-wide biological response fingerprinting (BioReF) of the Chinese botanical formulation ISF-1 enables the selection of multiple marker genes as a potential metric for quality control. Journal of Ethnopharmacology  2007; 113(1):35-44 (Impact Factor 3.69, Google Citation 38)
    133. Cai GX, Liu BY, Liu W, Tan XH, Rong JH, Chen XM, Tong L, Shen JG*. Buyang Huanwu Decoction can improve recovery of neurological function, reduce infarction volume, stimulate neural proliferation and modulate VEGF and Flk1 expressions in transient focal cerebral ischaemic rat brains. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2007;113(2):292-299 (Impact Factor 3.69, Citation time 95)
    134. Ren JY, Fung PC, Chang CQ, Shen GX, Chan FH, Shen JG*. A comparison study on blood and tissue nitric oxide concentration during renal ischemia-reperfusion injury with electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. Applied Magnetic Resonance32:243-255, 2007 (Impact Factor 0.864, Citation time 5)
    135. Miyake M, Shen JG, Liu SM, Shi HL, Liu WL, Yuan ZR, Pritchard A, Kao JPY, Liu KJ, Rosen GM. Acetoxymethoxycarbonyl nitroxides as EPR pro-imaging agents to measure O2 levels in mouse brain: A pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics2006; 318, 1187-1193 (Impact Factor 3.65, Citation time 24)
    136. Shen JG, Liu SM, Miyake M, Liu WL, Pritchard A, Kao JP, Rosen GM, Timmins GS, Tong Y, Liu KJ. Use of 3-acetoxymethoxycarbonyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1 -pyrrolidinyloxyl as an EPR oximetry probe for measurement of tissue oxygenation in mouse brain. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2006;55: 1433-1440, (Impact Factor 3.89, Citation time 34)
    137. Yang D, Wang HL, Sun ZN, Chung NW, Shen JG*. A highly selective fluorescent probe for detection of peroxynitrite in living cells. Journal of The American Chemical Society 2006;128(18):6004-6005  (Impact Factor  14.5, Citation time 235)
    138. Shen JG*, Ma S, Chan CP, Fung PC, Cheung RTF, Liu KJ. Nitric oxide down-regulates caveolin-1 expression in rat brains during focal cerebral ischemia and reperfusion. Journal of Neurochemistry 2006; 96; 1078-1089 (Impact Factor  4.83, Citation time 78)
    139. Chen BY, Lam KS, Wang Y, Wu DH, Lam MC, Shen JG, Wong LC, Hoo RL, Zhang JL, Xu AM. Hypoxia dysregulates the production of adiponectin and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 independent of reactive oxygen species in adipocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2006; 341: 549-556 (Impact Factor 2.985, Citation time 271)
    140. Chang CQ, Ren JY, Fung PCW, Hung YS, Shen JG, Chan FHY. Novel sparse component analysis approach to free radical EPR spectra decomposition. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 2005;175: 242-255, (Impact Factor 2.624, Citation time 35)
    141. Ren JY, Chang CQ, Fung PCW, Shen JG, Chan FHY. Free Radical EPR Spectroscopy Analysis using blind source separation. Journal of Magnetic Resonance2004; 166(1):82-91 (Impact Factor 2.624) (Google Citation 34)
    142. Shen JG, Khan N, Lewis LD, Ray A, Swartz H. Cellular respiration rates and oxygen concentration in lymphoblastic Molt-4 cells and there ρ0 derivative. Biophysical Journal 2003; 84(2): 1291-1298 (Impact Factor 3.2, Citation time 51)
    143. Khan N, Shen JG, Chang TY, Fung PCW, Grinberg O, Swartz H. Plasma membrane cholesterol: a possible barrier to intracellular oxygen gradients in CHO cells. Biochemistry 2003; 42(1): 23-29, (Impact Factor 2.865, Citation time 56)
    144. Shen JG, Qiu XS, Jiang B, Zhang DL, Xin WJ, Fung PC, Zhao BL. Nitric oxide and oxygen radicals induced apoptosis via bcl-2 and p53 pathway in hypoxia-reoxygenated cardiomyocytes. Science China - Life Sciences 2003; 46(1): 28-39  (Impact Factor 4.611, Citation time 8)
    145. Shen JG, Bottle S, Khan N, Micallef A, Swartz HM.  Development of isoindoline nitroxides for EPR oxymetry in viable biological systems. Applied Magnetic Resonance2002; 22:357-368, (Impact Factor 0.77, Citation time 31)
    146. Shen JG, Li M, Xin WJ, Zhao BL.  Effects of Chinonin on nitric oxide free radical, myocardial damage and arrhythmia in ischemia-reperfusion injury in vivo. Applied Magnetic Resonance19: 9-19, 2000.  (Impact Factor 0.77)
    147. Shen JG, Quo X, Li M, Xin WJ, Zhao BL. Chinonin, a novel drug against cardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by hypoxia and reoxygenation. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta- Molecular Basis of Diseases 2000; 1500: 217-226 (Impact Factor 4.352, Citation time 64)
    148. Xu AG, Li SG, Liu JH, Shen JG, Jiang B, Gang AH. Correlation between apoptosis and proliferation in gastric pre-carcinomatic patients. Chinese Medical Journal 1999;79(3):185-186 (IF 1.679)
    149. Shen JG, Wang J, Zhao BL, Hou JW, Gao TL, Xin WJ.  Effects of EGb 761 on generation of nitric oxide, myocardial damage and arrhythmias in ischemia-reperfusion injury in vivo. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta- Molecular Basis of Diseases 1998; 1406:228-236 (Impact Factor 4.352, Citation time 122)
    150. Zhao B, Shen JG, Li M, Li MF, Wan Q, Xin WJ.  Scavenging effects of Chinonin on NO and oxygen free radicals and its protective effects on the myocardium from the injury of ischemia-reperfusion. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta- Molecular Basis of Diseases 1996; 1315: 131-137 (Impact Factor 4.352, Citation time 40)
    151. Zhao BL, Shen JG, Hu J, Wan Q, Xin W. Synergic effects of NO and oxygen free radicals in the injury of ischemia-reperfused myocardium---ESR studies on NO free radicals generated from ischemia-reperfused myocardium. Science in China - Life Sciences 1996;  26: 491-500 (Impact Factor 4.611, Citation time 9)
    152. Shen JG, Zhou D. Efficiency of Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) in antioxidant protection against myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International 1995; 35(1): 125-134, (Citation time 116)


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    6. 潘巖, 花永強, 劉魯明, 沈劍剛. 無血清培養法分離並鑒定胰腺癌細胞系 BxPC-3 中腫瘤幹細胞. 中國腫瘤6; 441-445, 2012
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    8. 塗天智,  沈劍剛,  蔣建勤. 內蒙黃芪的化學成分研究 華西藥學雜誌 24 (5) : 466~468; 2009
    9. 劉柏炎,  沈劍剛, 蔡光先, 謝勇, 陳雪梅, 楊輝. 補陽還五湯對局灶性腦缺血大鼠腦內 caveolin1、2 的影響. 湖南中醫藥大學學報28(1): 22-28, 2008
    10. 劉柏炎, 蔡光先, 陳雪梅, 楊輝, 謝勇, 沈劍剛. 補陽還五湯對局灶性腦缺血大鼠神經元再生的影響。中華神經醫學雜誌 2007﹕6(8)﹕762-765 
    11. 佟麗, 譚縣輝, 沈劍剛.  補陽還五湯及不同配伍組方對缺血性腦中風後大鼠神經增殖作用的對比研究。 中國中西醫結合雜誌 27(6): 519-22, 2007 (引用次數2)
    12. 魯剛, 沈劍剛, 游文龍, 馮戩雲,朱建華. 直結腸癌細胞線粒體超微結構與細胞凋亡的關係. 中國誤診學雜誌 6(17): 3277-9, 2006
    13. 張冬輝; 魯剛; 游文龍; 沈劍剛; 馮熾雲; 朱建華. 直結腸癌細胞線粒體研究中樣本的取材. 海南醫學院學報, 2007; 13(3):259-260.
    14. 譚縣輝﹑曲宏達﹑彭康﹑陳育堯﹑佟麗﹑沈劍剛﹑ 朱傳武.  補陽還五湯對缺血性腦中風後遺症大鼠神經增殖作用的影響 南方醫科大學學報 26(2):189-192; 2006
    15. 曲宏達、佟麗、沈劍剛。補陽還五湯含藥血清對缺氧腦皮質神經細胞 p53 和 p21 基因表達的作用。中國中西醫結合雜誌 24(2):133-5; 2004
    16. 廖春來. 佟麗. 沈劍剛.  補陽還五湯對小鼠腦缺血後 NOS 活性的影響。 中藥藥理與臨床  19(4)﹕ 5-7   2003 (引用次數9)
    17. 廖春來、佟麗、沈劍剛.  補陽還五湯抗腦缺血的實驗研究進展。 中國藥物與臨床  3(3)﹕
    18. 176-178; 2003

    19. 沈劍剛、丘幸生、薑泊、張德良、忻文娟、馮戠雲、趙保路。一氧化氮和氧自由基誘導缺氧再給氧心肌細胞凋亡的 bcl-2 和 p53 信號通路研究。中國科學 C 輯 32(5):436-446, 2002
    20. 佟麗、沈劍剛、邱幸生、曲宏達、陳育堯。補陽還五湯抗缺氧再給氧乳鼠心肌細胞凋亡的實驗研究。中國中西醫結合雜誌 22(7): 522-524, 2002 
    21. 曲宏達、 佟麗、沈劍剛、陳育堯。補陽還五湯對體外培養的大鼠皮層神經元缺氧凋亡的影響。第一軍醫大學學報 22(1) : 35-37, 2002
    22. 佟麗. 曲宏達. 陳育堯. 沈劍剛。 補陽還五湯對大鼠腦皮層神經元生長的影響。 第一軍醫大學學報 22(8)﹕711-712﹐ 2002  
    23. 沈劍剛、佟麗、邱幸生、曲宏達、陳育堯。益氣通絡丹抗缺氧再給氧所致心肌細胞凋亡的研究。第一軍醫大學學報 21(10):743-745, 2001 
    24. 許岸高、李韶光、劉集鴻、沈劍剛、甘愛華。黃參方劑治療胃癌中的細胞凋亡及一氧化氮機制的研究。中華結核和呼吸雜誌 24(3) : 169, 2001
    25. 邱幸生、陳素雲、沈劍剛、黃偉毅、陳凱。益氣通絡方對缺氧再給氧心肌細胞 bcl-2 基因表達影響的血清藥理學研究。中國中醫基礎醫學雜誌 7(3) : 38-40,2001
    26. 陳素雲、曲宏達、陸力、沈劍剛。一氧化氮對大鼠皮層神經元缺氧凋亡的影響及其 bc1-2 機制。長春中醫學院學報 16(7) : 28-29, 2000
    27. 邱幸生、沈劍剛、陳素雲、黃偉毅。益氣通絡丹抗缺氧再給氧心肌細胞凋亡的實驗研究。 中國中醫藥科技 7(4): 213-215, 2000
    28. 甘愛華、許岸高、 劉集鴻、李韶光、沈劍剛. 薑泊。 胃癌發生中增殖細胞核抗原與 bcl-2 和 p53 蛋白表達的意義。   臨床消化病雜誌  11(4)﹕160-161﹐1999
    29. 許岸高. 李韶光. 劉集鴻. 沈劍剛。氟尿嘧啶和黃參液誘導胃癌細胞株凋亡的研究。 中華消化雜誌  19(3)﹕202-203﹐1999
    30. 許岸高; 劉集鴻; 甘愛華; 沈劍剛; 鐘志強; 黃志輝。5—氟尿嘧啶誘導人胃癌細胞的凋亡。現代消化及介入診療 1:48, 1999
    31. 許岸高,沈劍剛,李韶光,劉集鴻。 幽門螺桿菌感染所致胃粘膜上皮細胞凋亡與 p53 和 bcl—2 表達的關係現代消化及介入診療 1: 32-34, 1999
    32. 劉集鴻、許岸高、沈劍剛。5-FU、絲裂黴素和表阿黴素誘導人胃癌細胞凋亡的體外研究。世界華人消化雜誌 4 : 365, 1999
    33. 許岸高、李韶光、劉集鴻、沈劍剛、薑泊。胃癌前病變細胞凋亡和增殖的關係。中華醫學雜誌 79. (3):185-186, 1999
    34. 劉集鴻. 許岸高. 沈劍剛。 5-氟尿嘧啶、絲裂黴素和表阿黴素誘導人胃癌細胞凋亡的體外研究。  廣東醫學 20(5)﹕327-328﹐ 1999
    35. 許岸高. 劉集鴻. 沈劍剛. 甘愛華。  黃參方劑治療胃癌中的細胞凋亡及一氧化氮改變  中國實用內科雜誌 4233-235, 2001
    36. 郭志剛、 沈劍剛、 翁昌鴻、佟麗、陳玉堯、賈滿盈、 劉伊麗。冠心病、高血壓病人血漿氧自由基、一氧化氮及纖溶活性的變化。第一軍醫大學學報 19(2) : 124-125, 1999 (引用次數53)
    37. 沈劍剛、郭志剛等。益氣通絡丹對冠心病、高血壓病患者不同中醫證型血液脂質過氧化、一氧化氮及纖溶活性的影響。中國中醫基礎醫學雜誌 4(3) : 37-39,1998
    38. 趙保路、沈劍剛。 用 DETC 鐵捕捉生物組織 NO 自由基的 ESR 波譜解析。波譜學雜誌
    39. 4:138-142,1998

    40. 郭志剛. 沈劍剛. 佟麗. 陳育堯. 賈滿盈. 劉伊麗. 陳素雲。 銀杏葉提取物對冠心病患者的氧自由基一氧化氮及纖溶活性的影響。  嶺南心血管病雜誌 4(3)﹕159-161﹐ 1998
    41. 趙保路、沈劍剛等。用 ESR 研究缺血再灌注組織和多形核白細胞產生 NO 自由基。波譜學雜誌 14(2) : 99-105,1997
    42. 沈劍剛、 郭志剛、 佟麗、 陳育堯、劉伊麗、 賈滿盈、 陳素雲、趙保路、 忻文娟。益氣通絡丹對冠心病高血壓病人脂質過氧化、一氧化氮及纖溶活性的影響。中國中西醫結合雜誌
    43. 17(7) :410-413, 1997

    44. 沈劍剛、郭志剛等。益氣通絡丹對心肌缺血再灌注大鼠脂質過氧化及纖溶活性的影響。中國病理生理雜誌 12(2) : 139-143, 1996 (引用次數11)
    45. 趙保路、沈劍剛、呼俊改、萬謙、忻文娟。NO 和氧自由基在心肌缺血再灌注損傷中的協同作用。中國科學 C 輯 26(4) : 331-338, 1996
    46. 沈劍剛、趙保路、呼俊改、萬謙、忻文娟。益氣通絡丹對心肌缺血再灌注損傷 NO、氧自由基和心肌損傷的抑制作用。醫學生物物理學 8 : 7-11,1996
    47. 郭志剛、沈劍剛等。冠心病高血壓病血漿 MDA、一氧化氮及組織型纖溶酶原啟動物的變化。中國迴圈雜誌 11(7) : 435, 1996
    48. 佟麗、陳育堯、沈劍剛等。老年大鼠心肌缺血再灌注損傷及益氣通絡丹的保護作用。中國實驗方劑學雜誌 2(4) : 46-47, 1996
    49. 沈劍剛; 郭志剛; 佟麗; 陳育堯; 薑翼; 許文學。 益氣通絡丹對冠心病、高血壓病患者血液氧自由基、NO 及纖溶活性的影響中藥藥理與臨床 3: 42-44, 1996
    50. 賈鈺華. 陳素雲. 呂志平. 許文學. 崔志英. 沈劍剛.  舌色與心臟功能及血管功能的關係。  中國中西醫結合雜誌 15(6): 331-333, 1995
    51. 郭志剛. 沈劍剛. 劉伊麗. 張榕華。 小劑量美降之治療高膽固醇血症臨床觀察 。 第一軍醫大學學報  15(4): 299, 1995
    52. 沈劍剛、侯燦等。高壓氧所致脂質過氧化損傷。基礎醫學與臨床 12(3) : 59-60, 1992
    53. 沈劍剛、陳瑗等。Ebselen 抗高壓氧脂質過氧化作用。中國藥理學通報 8(2) : 160-161, 1992
    54. 沈劍剛、陳瑗、周玫等。外源性 SOD 抗高壓氧脂質過氧化作用的實驗研究。中華醫學雜誌
    55.      71(11) : 642-644, 1991

    56. 沈劍剛、陳瑗、周玫等。高氧靈和益氣通絡丹抗高壓氧脂質過氧化作用的實驗研究。中國中西醫結合雜誌 (增刊) : 337-340, 1991
    57. 沈劍剛、陳瑗、周玫等。高壓氧所致脂質過氧化反應的初步探討。第一軍醫大學學報 10(4) : 351-353, 1990



    1. The 2nd International Qi-Blood Conference & Joint Meeting of Chinese-Japanese TCM Meeting. Beijing,  September 13-15, 2019
    2.  Scientific Research and Medical Application of Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance, 624th Xiangshan Science Conference, Beijing, May 3-4, 2018
    3. The 4th Global Chinese Symposium & The 8th Symposium for Cross-straits, Hong Kong and Macao on Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Macau, September 22-24, 2018
    4. CM Research & Commercialization on Cardiovascular Diseases/The 11thInternational postgraduate symposium on Chinese Medicine (IPSCM), August 13-15, 2015, Hong Kong
    5. The 8th Pong Ding Yuen International Symposium on Traditional Chinese Medicine cum The 2nd International Chinese Symposium on Free Radical Research & The 6th Symposium for Three Districts of Cross-straits on Free Radical Research, Hong Kong, November 14-16, 2014
    6. The Second Forum of Integrated Medicine for Neurological Diseases, October 29 -30, 2013,  Beijing, China  
    7. The First Forum of Integrated Medicine for Neurological Diseases, October 29 -30, 2011,  Beijing, China  
    8. The 8thInternational postgraduate symposium on Chinese Medicine (IPSCM), August 16, 2012, Hong Kong



    1. 17th Meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine (CGCM), August 8 - 10, 2018, Kuching- Sarawak , Malaysia
    2. Scientific Research and Medical Application of Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance, 624th Xiangshan Science Conference, Beijing, May 3-4, 2018
    3. The First Precision Medicine and Health Conference, Dec 6-8, 2018, Bengbu, China
    4. The 9th Pong Ding Yuen International Symposium on Traditional Chinese Medicine - Chinese Medicine for Mental Health: From Bedside to Bench,  December 4-6, 2015, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
    5. CM Research & Commercialization on Cardiovascular Diseases/The 11thInternational postgraduate symposium on Chinese Medicine, August 13-15, 2015, Hong Kong
    6. The 43rd Annual Meeting of the International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue (ISOTT 2015, Member of International Scientific Committee, July 11-16th, 2015, Wuhan, China 
    7. International Conference for Qi-Blood 2014 (ICQB, 2014), Member of International Scientific Committee, September 6-8, 2014, Beijing, China  
    8. The 2nd Forum of Integrated Medicine for Neurological Diseases, Beijing, October 12-13, 2013. 
    9. The 12th Meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine (CGCM),  Graz, Austria, August 27-29, 2013
    10. International Conference for Microcirculation and the 13th Annual Conference of the Professional Committee for Microcirculation, Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine. Beijing, China. September 6-8, 2013
    11. The 17th Research Postgraduate Symposium, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, December 12-13, 2012. 
    12. The 1st Symposium of innovative Chinese medicine & The 2nd Doctoral Forum on Chinese medical Sciences, Macau, December 6-8, 2012.
    13. The 7th Pong Ding Yuen Symposium on Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong, December 1-3, 2012.  
    14. The 11th Meeting of the Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine, Panelist, Session of Biological Activities and Mechanism Study II (Metabolic, Neural Diseases and Aging Process), Macau, August 21-23, 2012.
    15. The 17th International Biophysics Congress (IUPAB) & 12th National Biophysical Congress, October 30-November 3, 2011, Beijing, China
    16. The 10th Meeting of the Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine, Panelist, Session of Biological Activities and Mechanism Study II (Metabolic, Neural Diseases and Aging Process), Shanghai, August 26-28, 2011.
    17. International Symposium on Exploration and Utilization of the Medicinal Plant Resources from Qinling Mountains. Baoji City, China, May 27-29, 2011
    18. The 6th International Symposium on Healthy Aging: A new Golden Age, Hong Kong. March 5-6, 2011
    19. The 2nd  Macau Forum on Chinese Medical Sciences, Macau, November 8-11, 2010
    20. International Symposium on Natural Medicine 2010, Dalian, 2010, 10.10-12
    21. International Conference on Integrative Medicine, Hong Kong, November 27-28, 2010
    22. HKU TCM Workshop 2010, Hong Kong,  July 13, 2010 
    23. The 14th Research Postgraduate Symposium, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, December 2-3, 2009
    24. XIV Biennial Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research International, Beijing, China, October8-22, 2008
    25. Neuroimaging Section, World Congress on Aging and Dementia in Chinese Community. Hong Kong, 2007



  • 20th Biennial Meeting for the Society for Free Radical Research International (SFRRI 2020), March 17-20, 2020, Taiwan
  • Taishan Academic Forum (TAF): The Summit on Neuroscience and Psychiatry (SONP), September 6-8, 2018, Tai’an Shandong, China
  • 4th Global Chinese Symposium & the 8th Symposium for Cross-straits, Hong Kong and Macao on Free Radical Biology and Medicine (Free Radicals 2018), Sept 21-24, 2018, Macau, China
  • The 43rd Annual Meeting of the International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue (ISOTT 2015, Member of International Scientific Committee, July 11-16th, 2015, Wuhan, China
  • International Conference for Qi-Blood 2014 (ICQB, 2014), Member of International Scientific Committee, September 6-8, 2014, Beijing, China  
  • XIV Biennial Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research International, Member of International Scientific Committee, October 18-22, 2008, Beijing, China
  • Co-coordinator, Scientific Advisor Board Member, the 7th National Conference on Free Radical Biology & Medicine, Member of International Scientific Committee October 17-18, 2008, Beijing, China 


    1. Shen JG. Oxidative stress and antioxidant: What we should do for preventing brain damage and improving brain repair in stroke treatment. Plenary Speaker, The First Precision Medicine and Health Conference, Dec 6-8, 2018, Bengbu, China
    2. Shen JG. Whether Robotic Fingers Could Recognize Pulse Patterns? Using Artificial Neural Network Analysis for Sphygmology in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Plenary Speaker, Annual Meeting for Speciality Committee of Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine,  World Federation of Chinese Medicine Scocity, Nov 30-Dec 2, 2018, Changsha, China
    3. Shen JG. Oxidative stress and antioxidant: What we should do for preventing brain damage and improving brain repair in stroke treatment. Invited Speaker, The 4th International Conference on Pharma-Food (ICPF2018), Nov 14-16, 2018,  Shizuoka, Japan
    4. Shen JG. Peroxynitrite-mediated mitophagy could be a crucial therapeutic target for reducing cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury.Plenary Speaker, 4th Global Chinese Symposium & the 8th Symposium for Cross-straits, Hong Kong and Macao on Free Radical Biology and Medicine (Free Radicals 2018), Sept 21-24, 2018, Macau, China
    5. Shen JG. Baicalin Modulates APPL2/Glucocorticoid Receptor Signaling Cascades, Promotes Neurogenesis, and Attenuates Emotional and Olfactory Dysfunctions in Chronic Corticosterone-Induced Depression. Taishan Academic Forum (TAF): The Summit on Neuroscience and Psychiatry (SONP), September 6-8, 2018, Tai’an Shandong, China
    6. Shen JG. Baicalin Modulates APPL2/Glucocorticoid Receptor Signaling Cascades, Promotes Neurogenesis, and Attenuates Emotional and Olfactory Dysfunctions in Chronic Corticosterone-Induced Depression. Invited Speaker, 5th International Conference on Stress, Mental Health and Dementia&World Summit on Stress, Mindfulness and Philosophy, August 27-28, 2018,  Boston, USA.
    7. Shen JG. Naringin Attenuates Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury Through Inhibiting Peroxynitrite-Mediated Mitophagy Activation. 17th Meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine (CGCM), August 8 - 10, 2018 Kuching- Sarawak , Malaysia
    8. Shen JG. Angong Niuhuang Pill Improves Neurological Outcome and Reduces Hemorrhagic Transformation in Ischemic Stroke Rats with Delayed Tissue Plasminogen Activator (t-PA) Treatment. Plenary Speaker, 10th Conference on Metal Toxicity and Carcinogenesis, Oct 28-31, 2018, Albuquerque, NM, USA
    9. Shen JG. Oxidative stress and antioxidant: What we should do for preventing brain damage and improving brain repair in stroke treatment. Invited Speaker, 18th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (WCP2018), July 2-5, 2018, Kyoto,  Japan
    10. Shen JG. Targeting Neural Stem/progenitor Cells for Neurogenesis for Post-stroke Brain Repair: Opportunity and Challenge for Chinese Herbal Medicine, Key Speaker, 2018 International Workshop on BioMed, AI & Healthcare, May 21, 2018, Taichung, Taiwan
    11. Shen JG. Astragaloside VI promotes neural stem cell proliferation and enhances neurological function recovery in transient cerebral ischemic injury via activating EGFR/MAPK signaling cascades.  Plenary Speaker, Sino-American Technology and Engineering Conference, Biomedicine Branch, May 13-18, 2018, Jinan, China
    12. Shen JG. Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance: A Novel Opportunity for Future Medicine. Scientific Research and Medical Application of Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance, 624th Xiangshan Science Conference, Beijing, May 3-4, 2018   Shen JG. Peroxynitrite could be a critical therapeutic target for preventing hemorrhagic transformation and poor outcome in ischemic stroke with delayed thrombolysis. Invited Speaker. The 8thBiennial Meeting of Society for Free Radical Research-Asia & The 14th Conference of the Asian Society of Mitochondrial Research and Medicine 2017: Cross Talk between Free Radicals and Mitochondria in Health and Disease, September 8-11, 2017, Xi’an, China
    13. Shen JG. Development of Innovative Learning Methods for Inter-professional Team-Based Learning Programme Involving Undergraduate Students in Western Medicine and Chinese Medicine Curriculum. Invited Speaker. Promoting Excellence in Education and Research, International Academy of Educational Services Conference. July 27-July 31, 2017. London, England
    14. Shen JG. Baicalin Attenuates Depression Associated Olfactory Deficit and Neurogenic Impairment in Adult Brain through Glucocorticoid Dependent Mechanism. 16th The Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine (CGCM) Meeting, August 18-20, 2017, Guangzhou, China.
    15. Shen JG. 從中國名優中成藥的重金屬成分的藥理毒理學談臨床中藥用藥安全性與有效性. 世界中醫藥學會聯合會臨床用藥安全研究專業委員會第二屆學術年會”,  2017年8月19-20日, 深圳
    16. Shen JG. Peroxynitrite could be a critical therapeutic target for preventing hemorrhagic transformation and poor outcome in ischemic stroke with delayed thrombolysis. 7th Global Experts Meetings Meeting on Neuropharmacology July 31-August 02, 2017, Milan, Italy.
    17. Shen JG. 中醫藥治療慢性心力衰竭:從個案報導到循證醫學研究. 世界中醫藥學會聯合會綜合醫院中醫藥工作委員會第二屆學術年會暨中醫傳承與醫學創新國際論壇, 2017年7月7-9日, 廣州。
    18. Shen JG. Scientific Basis of “Renal-Bone-Bone System” in Chinese Medicine.    Keynote Speaker, Ruijing International Forum & Annual Meeting of Shanghai Integrative Medicine Society and Neuroendocrine Immunology Society. 瑞金国际论坛暨2017年上海市中西医结合神经内分泌专委会与上海神经免疫学会学术年会, 2017年4月7日-9日, 上海
    19. Shen JG. Caveolin-1 is Critical for Lymphocyte Trafficking into Central Nervous System during Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. Poster Presentation.  SFRBM/SFRRI 2016, November 16-19, 2016 Hyatt Regency San Francisco, CA, USA
    20. Shen JG. 中醫藥联合用药: 防治溶栓脑出血转化提高生存率的有效策略, Keynote Speaker,中国医疗保健国际交流促进会神经病学分会第二届年会暨 2016 年华夏神经病学论坛, November 4-6, 2016. Beijing, China  
    21. Shen JG.  Traditional Chinese Medicine For Insomnia: From Bedside to Laboratory and Drug Discovery, 中醫治療失眠:從病床到實驗室及藥物開發. Plenary Speaker, The 9th Pong Ding Yuen International Symposium on Traditional Chinese Medicine - Chinese Medicine for Mental Health: From Bedside to Bench,  December 4-6, 2015, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
    22. Shen JG. APPL2 could inhibit neuronal differentiation but promote astrocytic differentiation via regulating Notch signaling in olfactory bulb, Poster Presentation, 2015 World Stem Cell Summit, December 10-12, 2015Atlanta, Georgia, USA  
    23. Shen JG. 以神经干细胞为靶标:一种从中草药中发现起中风后治疗脑修复作用的药物的新颖方法, Targeting Neural Stem Cells: A Novel Strategy for Drug Discovery from Chinese Herbal Medicine for Brain Repair in Post-stroke Treatment 第八届上海中医药与天然药物国际大会 2015 年 10 月 21-23 日 上海The Eighth Shanghai Chinese Medicine & Natural Drug Congress, Oct 21-23, 2015, Shanghai China
    24. Shen JG. 从 安 宫 牛 黄 丸 治 疗 急 性 脑 损 伤 谈 中 药 毒 效 动 力 学 研 究 的 现 实 意 义 Toxicodynamics and Pharmacological Effects of An-Gong-Niu-Huang-Wan and its Clinical Relevance for Acute Brain Injury. Keynote Speaker,  Specialty Committee Meeting of the Geo-authentic Drug’s Multidimensional Evaluation, WFCMS & The 1st Academic Annual Conference Oct 24-25, 2015, Chengdu, China
    25. Shen JG. Roles of peroxynitrite in mediating blood brain barrier disruption: Implication for drug discovery in stroke treatment. Invited speaker, World Congress for Microcirculation, September 25-27, 2015, Kyoto, Japan
    26. Shen JG. Peroxynitrite could be a molecular target for drug discovery from herbal medicine to prevent thrombolysis-induced hemorrhagic transformation in post-stroke treatment.Plenary Speaker, The 43rd Annual Meeting of International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue, July 11-16, Wuhan, Hubei, China.
    27. Shen JG. Big data and pharmacological progress of Chinese herbal medicine: New opportunity for network pharmacology. Invited speaker. Department of Physiology, University of Toronto, April 30-May 1, 2015, Toronto, Canada
    28. Shen JG. Big data and drug development: new opportunity for Chinese Medicine.  Invited Speaker, 2011 Joint Innovation Platform Center Meeting for Native Herbal Medicine. Chengdu Chinese Medical University, March 29-31, 2015,Chengdu, China
    29. Shen JG. Reactive nitrogen species are critical targets for blood brain barrier integrity and brain repairs in cerebral ischemia and reperfusion injury. Invited speaker, The First Hospital, Shenzhen University, March 23, 2015, Shenzhen, China.  
    30. Shen JG. Development of big data approaches for drug development targeting neurogenesis for post-stroke treatment. Plenary Speaker, Joint Congress for Professional Committee of Chinese Medicinal Pharmacology, World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies 2014 &, 20th Sino-Japan Health Science Symposium, December 24-26, 2014, Guangzhou, China
    31. Shen JG. Current progress of Free Radical Biology in Chinese Medicine and New Drug Development. Keynote speaker, The 8th Pong Ding Yuen International Symposium on Traditional Chinese Medicine cum The 2nd International Chinese Symposium on Free Radical Research &The 6th Symposium for Three Districts of Cross-straits on Free Radical Research November 15-16, 2014, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China  
    32. Shen JG. Systematic review for toxic metal element contamination and therapeutic components of herbal medicine and herbal pharmaceutical preparations. Plenary Speaker, 8th Conference on Metal Toxicity and Carcinogenesis, October 26-29, 2014, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
    33. Shen JG. Big data based approaches for understanding pharmacological principles of Chinese herbal formula and drug discovery. Plenary Speaker, Big Data Symposium, Chinese University of Hong Kong/National Natural Science Foundation of China. September 23-24, 2014, Hong Kong, China
    34. Shen JG. Recent trend in Chinese medicine research on stroke rehabilitation. Plenary Speaker, Seminar on Research and Development of Chinese Medicines 2014, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong, September 4-5, 2014
    35. Shen JG. Scientific basis of Qi-Blood promoting therapeutic Strategy for Protecting Blood-Brain-Barrier and Reducing Brain Damage in Chinese Medicine for Stroke Treatment. Keynote Speaker. Joint Congress for the International Conference for Qi-Blood and Professional Committee of Qi-Blood, World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies 2014 (ICQB, 2014) September 6-8, 2014, Beijing, China   
    36. Shen JG. Chinese herbal medicine:  A great source for drug discovery targeting neurogenesis and brain repair for post stroke treatment. Keynote speaker, Natural Health Products Scientific Workshop, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, May 30, 2014
    37. Shen JG. Exploring a novel pharmacological and therapeutic model of Chinese herbal formula: A lesson from Buyang Huanwu Decoction. Invited speaker, Fujian Chinese Medical University, Fuzhou, China, April 21, 2014    
    38. Shen JG.  Reactive nitrogen species are critical targets for blood brain barrier integrity and brain repairs in cerebral ischemia and reperfusion injury. Plenary speaker,  Nitric Oxide, Cardiovascular Diseases and Health Symposium, Beijing, China, April 18, 2014
    39. Shen JG. Targeting neural stem cells: A novel therapeutic strategy of Chinese medicinal formula for stroke treatment. The Second Chinese Medical Hospital in Guangdong Province, Guangzhou, China, March 29, 2014.  
    40. Shen JG. Dose-dependent Effects and Pharmacokinetics of Buyang Huanwu Decoction for Stroke Treatment: Exploring Therapeutic Model of Chinese Medicinal Formula. 973 State Key Project Rrogress Report and Symposium_Chinese Medicine Chapter, Beijing, March 21-22, 2013
    41. Shen JG. Current Progress in Medical Imaging Diagnosis and Therapeutic Strategies for Stroke: Opportunities and Challenges for Chinese Medicine. Invited speaker,  Central China University of Science and Technology, March 12, 2014
    42. Shen JG, Gu Y. Nitric oxide/caveolin-1/matrix metalloproteinases signaling cascades is a crucial pathway in blood brain disruption during cerebral ischemia-rperfusion injury.   Gordon Research Conference for Oxygen Radicals, Ventura, CA, February 9-14, 2014  
    43. Shen JG. Perspectives of Chinese herbal medicine for translational medicine and drug discovery targeting neural stem cells: A opportunity for stroke and neurodegenerative diseases. Keynote speaker, Open Ceremony for Standard Committee of Translational Medicine in Guangdong Integrative Medicine Society & 1th Translational Medicine Symposium, Guangzhou, China, December 14-15, 2013   
    44. Shen JG. Perspectives of targeting neural stem cells for drug discovery to promoting neurogenesis in stroke treatment with Chinese herbal medicine. Invited speaker,  Chinese Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing, China, November 14, 2013    
    45. Shen JG, Wang ZY, Wang N, Chen JP. Bioactivity guided drug discovery from Spatholobus suberectus targeting glycolysis for breast cancer treatment. Plenary speaker, XI. International Ethnobotany Symposio, Antalya-TURKEY, November 2-5, 2013
    46. Shen JG. Chinese herbal medicine: A great source for promoting adult neurogenesis in stroke treatment and drug discovery. Invited speaker, Appointment Ceremony of Guest Professorship and Mini-symposium, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China, October 29, 2013.
    47. Shen JG. The Yin-Yang roles of peroxynitrite in regulating neurotoxicity and neurogenesis: Implication for stroke treatment. Invited speaker,  Free Radical Research Special Symposium, Beijing, October 13-14, 2013
    48. Shen JG. Reactive nitrogen species: A crucial molecular targets for drug discovery to treat cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury 2013 SFRR-Asia Biennial Meeting,  Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Alterations in Ageing and Disease, Taipei, Taiwan, October 16-19, 2013.  
    49. Shen JG, Chen X, Chen XM. Chinese herbal medicine: A drug candidate bank for targeting neural stem cells and promoting adult neurogenesis in stroke treatment. 3rd International Neural Regeneration Symposium  (INRS2013), Shenyang, China, October 9-11, 2013
    50. Shen JG. From genomics to stem cell biology: Applications of multidiscipline approaches for understanding therapeutic principles of A classic Chinese medicinal formula for post-stroke treatment. The 2nd Forum of Integrated Medicine for Neurological diseases, Beijing, October 12-13, 2013.  
    51. Shen JG. Peroxynitrite could regulate proliferation and neuronal differentiation of neural stem/progenitor cells through activating Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway.  XXI World Congress of Neurology,  Vienna, Austria,  September 20-26, 2013
    52. Shen JG. Nitric Oxide/Caveolin-1/MMP pathway: A novel therapeutic strategy for drug discovery from herbal medicine targeting blood-brain-barrier disruption during cerebral Ischemia-reperfusion injury. International Conference for Microcirculation and the 13th Annual Conference of the Professional Committee for Microcirculaion, Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine. Beijing, China. September 6-8, 2013.
    53. Shen JG. Molecular Targets of Buyang Huanwu Decoction for Promoting Adult Neurogenesis in Post-ischemic cerebral Injury. Plenary Speaker,  12th Meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine (CGCM) ,  Graz, Austria, August 27-29, 2013
    54. Shen JG, Wang ZY, Wang N, Chen JG. Bioactivity guided drug discovery from Spatholobus suberectus targeting glycolysis for breast cancer treatment. Keynote speaker, 2013 International Symposium on Anticancer Drugs from Natural Products, RCAA, Seoul National University, August 22-23, 2013
    55. Shen JG. From Genomics to Stem Cell Biology: Applications of Multidiscipline Approaches for Understanding Therapeutic Principles of A Classic Chinese Medicinal Formula for Post-Stroke treatment. Invited speaker, Guanganmen Hospital, Chinese Academy of Chinese Medicine, July 26, 2013   
    56. Shen JG. Targeting Reactive Nitrogen Species: A Promising Therapeutic Strategy for Cerebral Ischemia-reperfusion Injury. Keynote Speaker, Herbal Medicine: From Bench to Bedside Symposium, The University of South Florida Tempa, FL, USA, June 28-29, 2013
    57. Shen JG, Chen XM, Gu Y, Chen X. Developing novel fluorescent probe for peroxynitrite: implication for understanding the roles of peroxynitrite and drug discovery in cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury. The 41th Annual ISOTT Conference & EPR 2013 Conference, Hanover, NH., 22-28 June 2013
    58. Shen JG, Gu Y. Caveolin-1 is a crucial molecular target in blood-brain-barrier (BBB) disruption and infarction enlargement during cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. The 26th International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function and the 10th International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET, Shanghai, China, 20-23 May 2013
    59. Shen JG. Peroxynitrite promotes proliferation, self-renewal and neuronal differentiation ofneural stem/progenitor cells through Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. 10th GTC's Stem Cell Summit, Boston, USA, April 29-30, 2013
    60. Shen JG, Chen XM, Xu MJ. Drug discovery from herbal medicine for scavenging reactive nitrogen species: A promising strategy for cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. Plenary speaker, 2012 Macau Forum on TCM, November 7-8, 2012, Macau, China.
    61. Shen JG, Zhao L, Wong K, Tsang K. An Unanswered Question about Heavy Metals in Chinese Herbal Medicinal Preparations:  Environmental Contamination or Medicinal Elements? Plenary speaker, 7th Conference on Metal Toxicity & Carcinogenesis, October 21-24, 2012, Albuqurque, NM, USA
    62. Shen JG, Chen X, From genomics to stem cell biology: Applications of multidiscipline approaches for understanding therapeutic principles of A classic Chinese medicinal formula for post-stroke treatment. Keynote speaker, International Congress for Pharmacology of Chinese Medicine (2012), September 7-9. 2012, Beijing, China  
    63. Shen JG, Current progress in medical imaging diagnosis and therapeutic strategies for stroke: Opportunities and challenges for Chinese medicine. Plenary  speaker,  The Ninth National Integrated Medicine for Neurological Diseases Meeting, August 23-24, 2012, Xiamen, China
    64. Shen JG. Baicalin protects neural cells against cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury by scavenging peroxynitrite. The 11th Meeting of the Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine, August 21-23, 2012, Macau, China
    65. Shen JG, Chen X, Chen XM. Neural stem cell: A new target for drug discovery from Chinese medicine to promote neurogenesis in stroke treatment. Plenary speaker, Chinese Herbal Medicine for Major Disease Burden and Health Promotion, ICMCM Conference 2012.  August 16-17, 2012, Hong Kong, China
    66. Shen JG. Reactive nitrogen species: Dual roles for blood brain barrier disruption and brain repairs in cerebral ischemia and reperfusion injury. Plenary speaker, The 1st International Chinese Symposium on Free Radical Research, the 5th Symposium for Three Districts of Cross-straits on Free Radical Research & the 8th National Symposium on Free Radical Research. August 7-9, Lanzhou, China 
    67. Shen JG. Neural stem cells: A novel strategy for drug discovery from Chinese herbal medicine for brain repair in post-stroke treatment.Plenary speaker, Hong Kong International Integrative Medicine Conference: Chinese Medicine in Geriatrics, 6-8 July 2012, Hong Kong, China
    68. Shen JG. Caveolin-1 derived from endothelial cells negatively modulates neuronal differentiation of neural progenitor cells in post-ischemic brain injury. Oral Presentation, 8th Stem Cell Research & Regenerative Medicine Conference, Stem Cells Summit 2012. April 19-20, 2012 , Boston, MA, USA
    69. Shen JG. Cancer stem cells: Implications for novel drug development and understanding therapeutic principles of Chinese herbal medicine for cancer treatment. Invited speaker, Markey Cancer Center, University of Kentucky, April 17, 2012, Lexington, Kentucky, USA
    70. Shen JG. Integrated Medicine: A Cross Talk for Understanding Therapeutic Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Invited speaker, College of Pharmacy, The University of New Mexico, April 11, 2012, Albuquerque, NM 87111, USA
    71. Shen JG. Drug discovery from a classic Chinese medicinal Formula for neuroprotection and neurogenesis in post-stroke Treatment. Invited speaker,  Sun Yat-sen University, Dec 19-20, 2011, Guangzhou, China
    72. Shen JG. Recent development of medical Imaging diagnosis and therapeutic strategies for stroke : Opportunities and challenges for Chinese medicine at new ceutury. Invited speaker, Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dec 20, 2011, Guangzhou, China.  
    73. Shen JG. Current progress in medical imaging diagnosis and therapeutic strategies for stroke : Opportunities and challenges for Chinese medicine. Overseas Excellent Expert Lecture at Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, November 28, 2011, Changsha, China.  
    74. Shen JG. Strategical reform for enhancing life-time learning ability for Chinese medical students under globalization of Chinese medicine. Plenary speaker, Pan-Pearl River Reagion Chinese Medical Education Reform Collaboration Meeting, November 24-27, 2011, Changsha, China.
    75. Shen JG. Dual roles of caveolin-1 in cerebral Ischemia and Reperfusion Injury: Protection of Blood Brain Barrier but Inhibition of Neurogenesis.Invited speaker, The 17th International
    76. Biophysics Congress (IUPAB) & 12th National Biophysical Congress, October 30-November 3, 2011, Beijing, China

    77. Shen JG. Acupuncture for post-stroke rehabilitation: Insights form neurobiology, neuroimaging evidence and systemic review of clinical trials.Plenary speaker, The First Forum of Integrated Neurology, October 29 -30,2011, Beijing, China   
    78. Shen JG: Caveolin-1 and blood brain barrier permeability: A novel molecular mechanism in cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. Invited speaker, Brain Imaging Center, The University of New Mexico, October 7, 2011, Albuquerque, NM, USA
    79. Shen JG. Pharmacokinetics, antioxidant properties and neuroprotective effects of hydroxysafflor yellow A: Potential application for cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. Invited speaker, The 10th Meeting of the Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine, Shanghai, Session of Biological Activities and Mechanism Study II (Metabolic, Neural Dsieases and Aging Process), August 26-28, 2011.  Shanghai, China
    80. Shen JG. Drug discovery from herbal medicine for post-stroke treatment. Keynote speaker, International Symposium on Exploration and Utilization of the Medicinal Plant Resources from Qinling Mountains, May 27-29, 2011, Baoji, China   
    81. Shen JG. Cancer stem cells: Implications for novel drug development and understanding therapeutic principles of Chinese herbal medicine for cancer treatment. Keynote speaker, Shanghai International Integrative Medicine Congress. May 18-20, 2011, Shanghai, China  
    82. Shen JG.  Baicalin protects neural cells from cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury by scavenging peroxynitrite, Oral presentation, GRC Conference on Oxidative Stress & Disease , Feb 11-14, 2011, LA, USA   
    83. Shen JG. Acupuncture for post-stroke rehabilitation: insights from neurobiological progress, neuroimaging evidence and clinical prospective. Keynote speaker, Hong Kong Acupuncture International Conference, Neurological and Mental Illness, HKAIC 2011, January 17-19, Hong Kong, China  
    84. Shen JG. From Traditional Chinese Medicine to Modernization of Chinese Medicine: Rethinking Chinese Medicine education and research direction in Mainland China and Hong Kong. Invited speaker, Hong Kong Chinese Medical Strategy Symposium, 2011, Hong Kong  
    85. Shen JG.  Interaction of caveolin-1, nitric oxide and matrix metalloproteinases impacts on blood brain barrier disruption and infarction in cerebral ischemia and reperfusion injury,Invited speaker, Annual Meeting of Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau in Neurology, 2011, Macau, China
    86. Shen JG. Interaction of caveolin-1, nitric oxide and matrix metalloproteinases impacts on blood brain barrier disruption and infarction enlargement in cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. Selected speaker, 7th World Stroke Conference, Seoul, Kerea, October 13 - 16, 2010
    87. Shen JG. Drug discovery of herbal medicine: Where we are? Where we go? A case study on an herbal formula for treatment of post-stroke disability. Invited speaker,  International Symposium on Natural Medicine 2010, October 10-12, 2010,  Dalian, China
    88. Shen JG. Interaction of caveolin-1 and nitric oxide impacts on regulation of blood brain barrier permeability and infarction enlargement in cerebral ischemia and reperfusion injury, Invited  speaker, Southern Medical University, June 18, 2010, Guangzhou, China  
    89. Shen JG. Integration of Multiple Comprehensive Approaches for Understanding Therapeutic Principles of BHD-01 in Post-stroke Treatment, Invited speaker, Wuhan Science and Technology University, April 18, 2010. Wuhan, China
    90. Shen JG.  Exploration of active components from a classic TCM formula for post-stroke neurogenesis ___A new approach for drug discovery from herbal medicine. Plenary speaker, TCM Workshop, University of Hong Kong,  July 10, 2010, Hong Kong  
    91. Shen JG. Integration of multiple comprehensive approaches for exploration of therapeutic principle of BHD-01 in post-stroke treatment, Invited speaker, Frontier in Pharmaceutical Studies Series Lectures, Sun Yat-sen University, April 21, 2009, Guangzhou, China  
    92. Shen JG. Effects of Buyang Huanwu Decoction on improving neurogenesis and recovery of neurological functions in post-stroke treatment, Keynote speaker,The 5th Symposium on Collateral Disease Theory, October 18, 2009. Guangzhou, China,  
    93. Shen JG, Rosen G.M. and Liu K.J.  Development of 3-actoxymethoxycarbonyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-pyrrolidinyloxyl as an electron paramagnetic resonance imaging reagent for in vivo mapping brain oxygen distribution in ischemic brain. Selected speaker, 6th Annual World Congress for Brain Mapping and Image Guided Therapy, August 26-29, 2009,   Boston, USA
    94. Shen JG, Lee W, Chen J. Caveolin-3 peptide prevents apoptotic cell death via preserving superoxide dismutase activity and inhibiting caspase 3 activation in hypoxia-reoxygenated cardiomyocytes. Invited speaker, The 4th International Symposium on Healty Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. March 7-8, 2009, Hong Kong
    95. Shen JG. Interaction o caveolin-1, cholesterol and nitric oxide synthases in hypoxic human SK-N-MC neuroblastoma cells. 24th International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism/9th International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET. Chicago, IL, June 29 - July 3, 2009. JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW ANDMETABOLISM   Volume: 29   Pages: S459-S459  Suppl. S1, 2009
    96. Shen JG, Lee W, Feng Y. Plasma membrane cholesterol homeostasis is essential for modulating caveolin-1 expression and nitric oxide –induced oxidative injury in hypoxic human SK-N-MC neuroblastoma cells. Selective speaker,  The 6th Asian Biophysics Association (ABA) Symposium& The 27th Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting, HKUST, Jan 11-15, 2009,  Hong Kong   
    97. Shen J. Systemic evaluation of Buyang Huanwu Decoction on promoting neurogenesis and functional recovery for post-stroke treatment. Keynote speaker, TCM Treatment for Aging-related Diseases. Pong Dingyung Symposium for Chinese Medicine. University of Hong Kong. Dec 10-11, 2008, Hong Kong  
    98. Shen JG. Interaction of caveolin-1, nitric oxide, and nitric oxide synthase: A potential signal pathway in regulating neural oxidative injury in hypoxic human SK-N-MC cells and rat ischemic brain. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics 35(suppl):151, 2008. Invited speaker, The 14th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research International, Oct 18-22, 2008, Beijing, China
    99. Shen J. Seeking for chemical ingredients and molecular targets of Buyang Huanwu Decoction on promoting neurogenesis and functional recovery for post-stroke treatment. Keynote speaker, Phytochemistry and Chinese Herbal Medicine Analysis Symposium, December 5-7, 2008 Shen Zhen, China  
    100. Shen JG. Development of novel antioxidant drugs from bench to bedside for treatment of renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. A future prospective for treatment of ischemic  acute renal failure. Keynote speaker, The Third Meeting for Renal diseases with Integrated Medicine, 20-22 September, 2008. Shenzhen, China
    101. Shen JG. Zeng HP, Wang, TT, Chen W, Wang CY, Chen DH.  Characterization of chemical components in Si-wu decoction with proliferation-promoting effects on rat mesenchymal stem cells. Invited speaker,  The 7th Meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine (CGCM). August 28-30, 2008, Taipei, China
    102. Shen JG. Integration of multiple comprehensive approaches for exploration of therapeutic principle of BHD-01, a Chinese herbal formula,  in post-stroke treatment. Invited speaker at Department of Pharamcology, Yale University. 7 May, 2008, New Haven, U.S.A.  
    103. Shen JG. Current progress and trend in stroke treatment with  traditional Chinese medicine. Keynote speaker, Prevention and Treatment of Common Diseases with Chinese Medicine. Pong Dingyung Symposium for Chinese Medicine. University of Hong Kong. July 10, 2007, Hong Kong     
    104. Shen JG., Tong Y. and Liu K.J., Development of electronic paramagnetic resonance imaging: A promising imaging technology for in vivo mapping brain oxygen distribution and infarction in ischemic stroke, Invited speaker, 2007 World Congress on Ageing and Dementia in Chinese Community. May 16-18, 2007, Hong Kong.
    105. Shen JG, Lee W.S.,  So K.F. and Tong Y., Nitric oxide stimulates caveolin-1 expression and interaction of caveolin-1 and nitric oxide synthase regulates nitric oxide production in human SK-N-MC neural cells under hypoxia condition. Invited speaker, Second International Symposium on Healthy Aging: “Meeting the Challenges of an Aging Population”. March 203, 2007, Hong Kong,
    106. Shen JG, Rong JH, Ng KM, Tong Y,  So KF, Lau A,  Liu J, Tam PKH, Cheng YC. Integration of systemic biology, chemical profile fingerprint and functional imaging technology for understanding therapeutic principle of Chinese medicinal formula: A study on classical post-stroke formula. Invited speaker, The 6th Meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine (CGCM). October, 2007, Beijing,  China  
    107. Shen JG., Tong Y. and Tang X.H., Ginkgo biloba extracts (EGb 761) can reduce neurological deficit scores via stimulating neural proliferation and differentiation in transient focal cerebral ischaemic rat brains, Selective speaker,  2007 Diet and Optimum Health Conference. Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. 2007
    108. Shen JG., Liu B.Y. and Tong Y., Buyang Huanwu Decoction can improve recovery of neurological function via stimulating neural proliferation and differentiation and modulating VEGF and Flk1 expressions in transient focal cerebral ischaemic rat brains, 2nd International Symposium on Nutrition, Oxygen Biology and Medicine. 2007. Paris, France  
    109. Shen JG., Liu B.Y. and Tong Y., Buyang Huanwu Decoction Can Improve Recovery of Neurological Function via Stimulating Neural Proliferation and Differentiation and Modulating VEGF and Flk1 Expressions in Transient Focal Cerebral Ischaemic Rat Brains, 2nd International Symposium on Nutrition, Oxygen Biology and Medicine. Paris, France 2007
    110. Shen JG., Tong Y., Rosen G.M. and Liu K.J., Development of electron paramagnetic resonance imaging: A potential imaging technology for evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine in ischemic stroke, Invited speaker, World Congress on Chinese Medicine:Charting the Course of Development. 2006, Hong Kong
    111. Shen JG, Liu SM, Rosen G, Timmins G, Shi HL, Liu KJ. Development of in vivo electron paramagnetic resonance imaging for mapping infarction area and oxygen distribution in ischemic brain. Stroke 37(2):730, 2006
    112. Shen JG, Xu A, Lee CW, Dan QH, Fung PCW, Lam KS.  Adiponectin can inhibit superoxide production, increase superoxide dismutase activity and prevent apoptotic cell death in hypoxic cardiomyocytes. XVIII ISHR World Congress on the Endothelial Factors and Coronary Disease: New Understanding and Effects of Natural Products. August 15-17, 2006. Hong Kong
    113. Shen JG, L Tong, CL Liao CL, Fung PCW. Evaluation of Buyang-Huanwu Decoction (BYHWD), a traditional Chinese medicinal formula, against ischemic brain injury in vivo and in vitro. 9th Hong Kong Medical Research Conference, March 1, 2004
    114. Shen JG, Ma S, Chan S, Cheung RT, Fung PC, Liu KJ. Ischemia-reperfusion induces nitric oxide production and down-regulates caveolin-1 expression in rat brains of middle cerebral artery occlusion. Selected speaker, International Workship on EPR studies of viable systems and related techniques. September 19 – 23, 2004 Hanover, New Hampshire, USA
    115. Shen JG, Lu G, Fung PCW, Chu KW. Ultrastructural changes of mitochondria in colorectal adenocarcinoma patients. 9th Hong Kong Medical Research Conference, Hong Kong 1, 2004
    116. Shen JG, Lee CW, Fung PCW. Cellular cholesterol accumulation promotes productions of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide and apoptotic cell death in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells under oxidative stress.  9th Hong Kong Medical Research Conference, 1. 2004
    117. Shen JG, Lee CW, Fung PCW. Reactive oxygen species mediate intracellular cholesterol accumulation via modulating caveolin-1 expression in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Stress, Signalling and Control. 679th Biochemical Society Meeting at University of Essex, UK, 63; 2003
    118. Shen JG, Fung PCW, Swartz HM. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) oximetry: a novel opportunity for monitoring tissue and cellular oxygen concentration in biological systems in vivo and in vitroHong Kong Medical Journal 9(suppl.): 40, 2003
    119. Shen JG, Fung PCW, Chang TY. Plasma membrane cholesterol homeostasis is essential for preventing oxidative damage in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Hong Kong Medical Journal 9(suppl.): 40, 2003  
    120. Shen JG, Fung PCW, Xin WJ, Zhao BL. Nitric oxide contributes to redistribution of phosphatidylserine and triggers apoptosis via p53 and p21/waf-1/cip-1 pathway in hypoxia-reoxygenated cardiomyocytes. Free Radical Biology & Medicine 33: 212 (Suppl.) 1; 2002
    121. Shen JG, Khan N, Chang TY, Fung PCW, Grinberg O, Swartz H. Plasma membrane cholesterol is a key molecule in formation of intracellular oxygen gradients in CHO cells. The Hong Kong Practitioner,Journal of Hong Kong College of Family Physicians 24 (2):13,2002
    122. Shen JG, Bottle S, Khan N, Reid R, Micallef A, Swartz H.  Development of isoindoline nitroxides for EPR oxymetry in viable biological  systems. 28th Annual Meeting, International
    123. Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue. Netherlands, August 2000  

    124. Shen JG, Wang J, Zhao B, Hou J, Gao T, Xin W. In vivo spin trapping of nitric oxide from ischemia-reperfusion myocardium and effects of L-arginine-NO pathway on myocardial damage and arrhythmias. Japanese Journal of Pharmacology 75(suppl. I): p 152, 1997
    125. Shen JG, Wang J, Zhao B, Hou J, Gao T, Xin W. Effects of EGb 761 on generation of nitric oxide, myocardial damage and arrhythmias in ischemia-reperfusion injury in vivo. Japanese Journal of Pharmacology 75(suppl. I): p 239, 1997