Call for Abstracts

Selected applicants will be invited to conduct oral and/or poster presentations. Outstanding presenters will have a chance to be given awards.

Oral presentations on 26 November 2023 (Research Postgraduate Student Forum)
Poster presentations on 25-26 November 2023

Research Postgraduate (RPG) Students in Chinese Medicine and integrative medicine related disciplines

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstracts submitted must adhere to the following specifications:

  • Abstract submission deadline: 20th October, 2023 (HKT 23:59) (extended)
  • All abstracts must be submitted in BOTH English and Chinese.
  • Selected candidates may be invited for oral and/or poster presentation(s), and their abstracts may be published in the Symposium program book and website, subject to the decision of the Academic Committee of the Symposium.
  • Word limit: 500 words for English and 250 words for Chinese including acknowledgement.
  • The Secretariat allows NO amendment to submitted abstract(s) under any circumstances. Please check them carefully before submission.
  • Please make sure all necessary information are properly filled in. Incomplete abstract submission form will NOT be considered by the Academic Committee of the Symposium.

  • How to Submit

  • Submission: Click here
  • Abstract sent in by fax or email will NOT be accepted
  • Deadline for abstract submission: by 20th October, 2023 (HKT 23:59) (extended).
  • A notice of acceptance will be sent to the Presenting Author via e-mail, if selected.

  • *Registration to the Symposium should be made separately.



    The Secretariat reserves the rights to amend or update the information without advance notice.

    #ChineseMedicine, #IntegrativeMedicine, #Medicine, #ComplementaryMedicine, #Pharmacology, #DrugDevelopment, #Herbal,
          #Herbs, #ComplicatedDiseases, #Therapy, #TraditionalMedicine