CME Accreditation

CME / CPD Accreditation

Name of Academy / Board

Maximum CME/CPD points for whole function

CME/CPD points for Session 1

CME/CPD points for Session 2

CME/CPD Category

Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong (for Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners of Hong Kong)





CME For Practicing Doctors who are not taking CME Programme for Specialists





Other Colleges, Boards and/or Associations





*final CME points to be confirmed; the School reserves the right to make changes.

To apply for CME points (for Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners) issued by The University of Hong Kong, please note the following:

1. Participants who attend the whole event (Session 1 AND 2) will receive *7.5 CME points. For those who attend Session 1 shall receive *3.5 points; for those who attend Session 2 shall receive *4 points (*final CME points to be confirmed; the School reserves the right to make changes.

2. Participants must register before the event (Registration deadline: 23 June 2023 12nn). Please make sure that the registered Chinese and English name and registered CMP number match the record of the "Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong". The School will not be able to issue credit certificate to the applicants if any inaccurate.

3. Participants will not receive any points if they are late or leave early for more than 20% of Session 1 and/or 2.

4. Attendance will be taken onsite and the arrival and departure time of participants will be recorded and subject to the time record of the School. The School reserves the right to make the final decision on giving CME credit certificates.

5. CME credit certificates will be issued to eligible participants in-person on-site.

6. Applications for other CME/CPD point are in progress.



The Secretariat reserves the rights to amend or update the information without advance notice.

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      #Herbs, #ComplicatedDiseases, #Therapy, #TraditionalMedicine